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it always seems to link back to very obvious affiliations! 




What a load of bollocks. I have a BSc (hons.) from Salford University, I consider myself to be quite well educated. I'm still a degenerate, but eh, who of us is perfect? 😋


Y’all I’ve just been reported for abusive tweets lmao awe the big dyke got his feelings hurt 😞 it’s not my first time in Twitter jail 😂


Narcissistic loser- I don’t want to live with his head. Manic episode???


Hahah I bet it’s probably Rob Dyke himself! It’s not like he has a job or a YouTube channel to keep himself busy!


Does he need some tissues for his issues?🤣🤣🤣🤣


Huh....it's funny that so many people declaring others are hateful, spiteful, whatever.....are exactly that themselves.

James Herington

Rob Gavagan needs to get trashed again


Looks to me like your getting to somebody. They know you’re blowing up Deadbug


The kind of person who watches the tape in the video camera they found in mommy’s panty drawer.


We must use our "patient skills" with hate-filled folks. No one is above being opinionated.


I would throw my lot in with you guys any day rather than the stupid fuck who wrote that comment . Long live the uneducated retards we shall inherit the Earth 🌎😜 legion forever LFNL 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😎


Contrary to popular belief I'm a very patient person but when it's straight up bullshit I'll call you out. Sometimes it's NOT good to be patient with dumb fucks, it's counter-productive in my opinion and one has to nip it in the bud ASAP. People like this have always hidden behind a computer, older sibling, etc. and have been able to get away with their bullshit. What they need is a verbal AND physical ass whipping. Old school.


But I got a BAhons and a teaching certificate, and I love your channel. He can fuck off, do people just go around looking for vids/ppl/anything written just to be a dried up old cumstain on the face of the internet? He and his life are probably very, very DULL.


I did really shit at school cos it bored me rigid, but I love Egyptology, ancient mummification techniques of the world, the evolution of sharks, renaissance portraiture, English classical literature , German renaissance painting, world textiles and embroidery, traditional illuminated manuscripts of western and eastern cultures, Jack The Ripper-ology, the psychology of crime, forensic science, and on and on......and I love Deadbug, he fuckin makes me laugh, cry and think..................PEACE XXXXXX