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Sometimes I just get so damn angry that I need to sing the lesbian seagull song!

Enjoy Or Not





My point with that rant was, society keeps caving in, giving in to these minority groups, scared of offending anyone. Fuck 'em. They offend my sensibilities, they deserve to be offended. /Rant over


This so true bug. Pussies eveywhere.


I want a hoodie and tee and will get both.


No sensitivity here, you think you can hurt me? Im naturally ginger, short sighted, partially deaf in one ear and started secondary school with the hair, the glasses, the hearing aid and a mouth full of braces AND A LISP 🤣 people are so sensitive, puberty thankfully sorted me out im sure my mum thought I would die alone hahahahaha


Age-restricting your films? No ad revenue? You're the most UN-politically correct creator I have the privilege to support, and I wish you could make more bucks from your work, but there are always pioneers in this business, yes? You give us quality and quantity, bless your buggy heart! Looking forward to the merchandise.


Tell me more about these vibrators... 😉


I live in America and i don't have to agree with anyone or kiss any pussies ass! People are expected to conform and accept that other people's beliefs and feelings are more important than their own! We need to start telling these dildos to go fuck themselves like we use to back in the day! Live and let live and mind your fucking business as we ALL have free speech in this country not just the pansies that demand we accept their candyass views or beliefs.


Frasier and his hubby probably look like 2 basketballs trying to fuck 🏀🏀


I think the degeneracy started when they started making the father the butt of the jokes, the weak asshole in the commercials, the dumb lug who can't manage to do fuck all in TV shows and pushed Single Motherhood as a badge of honor. Then they worked on softening that too. It goes deep and wide , participation trophies for everyone, even the kid that hates participating bc God forbid someone who didn't do fuck all to deserve a damn thing got left out. The all inclusive Commie way seems to be the way of the world and I can't stand it. I don't get it. But that's where I think it all started anyway.


Yup everyone needs a "safe space" nowadays 🙄🤦‍♀️


Well I am gonna get reamed, I called someone a cocksucker in YT comments the other day. EEK ;)


We’ll Sunshine sounds like a compliment to me😉