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As long time LEGION members know I remaster older pieces of works and post them only on PATRON for your enjoyment where you can shoot the shit in the comments section and say what the fuck you want undeterred by trolls. Mastering generally means improved audio and generally a bit different from YT video.

Although this film doesn't rank by any means as one of my favourites I have remastered it and posted it here because the case is so fucked up and I thought as it is a Saturday night we can all do a little detective work!

Iso come on all you amateur sleuths, want everyone to watch this and come up with your own theory on what you believe happened to Blair Adams and let's discuss.

Enjoy Or Not!



The Curious Case Of Blair Adams I Tales From The Abyss



One thing we know for sure is that he must have had enough of a vexxing, sweet and tight little ass that it possessed someone to pursue him thousands of miles and across national borders for a taste. I mean it really must have had a strong and relentless, bewitching stranglehold on someone's mind and will to where they saw tunnel vision pointed squarely at that man's rump to the exclusion of money, jewels and even thoughts of future enjoyment with the ass (evidenced by the apparent gusto and intensity with which it was torn into). Imagine the kind of ass that wielded that degree of influence over the psyche of someone.


One of my favourite DEADBUG joints from the archive. This one really captured my imagination. Such a strange, strange story.


I cant see how it would been pysically possible for somebody to follow him all the way from british columbia to seattle to washington to knoxville, I think he was experiencing a pyscotic break in the week leading up to his death which explains his erratic behavoiur, Maybe he was acting in a lewd or inappropiate fashion and upset the wrong person or persons. Its similar to the cindy James case in the late 80s who was also canadian. That would be a good story to cover in the future Deadbug ☺️


I think the truck stop was irrelevant, it wasn't a Canadian truck stop after all. I think he got too close to somebody or somebodies and realized that he'd made a terrible mistake. Then he tried to run. The multiple crossing attempts makes being followed a difficult job, but as humans are the top predators in this world, anything's possible. He ran out of luck. The lost key is odd as well. Maybe it was taken and he realized it was over and he gave up. Guess we'll never know. Thanks.


So strange.


I was thinking a psychotic breakdown too at first James. The paranoia and leaving his job, buying the plane ticket, etc. but I dunno. Someone was obviously after him. At first I thought he had a naughty private life that he was ashamed of (liking men), but nope, DeadBug killed that for me the further in he got in the story. The dude wasn't a pedo or a adultery idiot. It's always gonna be intriguing and sad. We can ponder this forever and still never find out wtf happened.


I was thinking that too, or something similar. Definitely I think he had a psychotic break.


I think Blair had a psychotic breakdown. If he was running from someone, there's no way he could have been tracked down. Therefore, I don't think he was running FROM someone. I think he may have been running TO someone and things didn't go at all how he expected. I think whoever he was meeting turned on him. Maybe someone he only thought he could trust.


Deadbug good work the part that had me laughing was the part when dude made the girl screaming noise 😂 constipation it self would make a man scream like a woman 😂


I hear ya with the Columbians.. I just wanted you to know I seen your comment 😉


Thanks DEADBUG 🦟 🕸 🕷 I’ve seen this one done by someone else, but you knock this one out of the park ! This case is one weird motherfucker with so many twists and turns that it does make one wonder, WTF kind of a place do we live in ?


This is America, so lazy cops. But I think Germany would be a place to start looking for clues. What do we have? A guy dies in a parking lot, left there like garbage, in a demeaning pose. Robbery is not a motive - at least money is not a motive. The anal sex portion of this seems like a humiliation tactic. What I see here is this: Blair did something at some time that brought about his untimely death. What it was was anyone's guess; but I think Blair was afraid that it would end his life as he knew it - so a big secret and a big problem. I don't think he "ran away" to the US. I think he was trying to buy his way out of something. And it didn't work. If he were a true, reformed Christian, he may have wanted to fix this - whatever it was - and then come clean with everyone. He had no intention of returning to his old life, and it may have been embarrassment that was dictating this decision. I think Blair was on a timeline of how quickly this act of contrition could be made, and he was frantic to get into the US and get this over with. It strikes me as peculiar that he headed to Washington, DC for the starting point. What's in DC? Politicians and diplomats. People from other countries don't stand out there. I'm not talking about Canadians, I'm talking about Germans who would attract no notice. Either he did not find whomever he sought so he left, or he did find his contact and they sent him to his final destination, or he did find his contact and things did not go according to plan so he ran. He got to TN and "lost his keys." I've heard other reports that say that the tow truck driver said that the keys that Blair tried to use to get into his car did not match the vehicle Blair claimed to be driving. So, Blair had keys, but not to that particular car in the lot. Could he have been so tired or worried, or some combination of the two that he couldn't think straight and could not figure out which white car was his white car - especially an unfamiliar white car? Maybe. I don't think that Blair had cottoned that "they" had caught up to him - yet. Blair heads to the motel. The entering and exiting strike me like a person looking for someone else. It seems excessive, but imagine those days: did anyone check for a payphone in the parking lot? These are the days before widespread cell phone usage.. Maybe Blair had called someone and was checking to see if s/he'd arrived. Finally, Blair takes a room. Perhaps the thought was there to rest, but Blair went out. At this point, he's seen with the guy in the restaurant. Perhaps this was exactly who he wanted to meet. Perhaps, he had called this man to the restaurant or the motel, and maybe even because Blair needs to make an exchange of this money for... What? Absolution? Forgiveness? Returning something he stole or felt as if he had stolen? Who knows. Blair is probably unfamiliar with the area. He probably doesn't know he's somewhere where homosexual activity is de rigueur. And he may not even care. What if he were lead to this hotel under construction where his doom awaited him. Note that there are scratches on him, but not one mention of a defensive wound. No mention of skin under his fingernails, no mention of ligature marks from him being tied down - nothing. I think he took it. I'm not saying he enjoyed what was done to him, but I think Blair allowed what happened to him to be done. I think he was beaten with a crowbar (and maybe some rebar from the job site), and then he was probably sodomized. But, unlike the cops, I think whoever did this used dildoes - latex ones, and probably huge ones - as punishment. The money was probably inadvertently scattered by Blair himself, trying to buy them off one last time. I also don't think that Blair was meant to die so much as be humiliated and need to seek medical attention, where he'd then have to explain that he was anally raped and beaten by an unknown assailant (even if he did know who it was. I'm working on the assumption that if he admitted that he knew who it was, then he'd have to admit why it was done; and there seems to be something shameful or criminal on Blair's part going on there). Having done what s/he set out to do, the unknown assailant left Blair to the tender mercies of the construction crew due in a few hours. So, who would do this? It looks like a revenge crime. Money is clearly not a motive. I don't think sex is one, either - not really. So, revenge. I mean, this is hateful and demeaning, and Blair didn't fight back. It seems personal, and like Blair felt as if he deserved it. What could he have done? Sure, it might have been in Canada. It might have been in Germany. But I think that this smacks of an honor killing. This is like a parent or family member getting revenge on Blair for some transgression. I'd guess, if I had to, that it involved a minor or a young adult, perhaps. This person who killed Blair either was related to the victim or was hired by the victim's family to do this. It would be hard, though, to keep a hired hand from robbing a scene (I would guess, since they often work hard to make it look like accidents, robberies, etc.). So, I'm guessing family. The next question is what happened to provoke this? Did Blair rape a child or young adult? Did he actually do it, or did he egg someone else on to do it? The victim would have been publicly shamed. Perhaps Blair started rumors about someone having performed these same sorts of acts on another person; perhaps he started rumors about a child being raped by a relative, and it caused something catastrophic in that child's life (either a suicide, suicide attempt, or caused the child/young adult to miss out on key milestones in life - being denied a job, or an admission to a school, or maybe being left out of important school events, like being barred from playing an important game when the talent scout was in town, etc.). I don't know what caused Blair to get involved with drugs and alcohol in the first place, but maybe he did whatever he did under the influence. Or maybe he was perfectly sober, but started the drugs after this. It would be interesting to find out if his killer waited until Blair was on top of the world - clean, sober, born again, wealthy, respected - to knock him down. We may never know. Whoever did this or why, they wanted Blair to suffer and be humiliated. That much is clear. There may have been six big guys with guns trained on him, keeping him from leaving, for all I know. But this looks personal. But maybe I'm on the wrong track entirely.


The case of Blair Adams has perplexed and disturbed me for 20 years. I’ve watched the Unsolved Mysteries segment countless times, and I still find it so damn creepy, sad, and stupefying. I doubt we will ever know what in the actual fuck was going on in Blair’s mind or who killed him. It may not be one of your favorite films, but it’s one of my favorite films you’ve done. Thank you for this remaster, Master Deadbug. 👌🏻


This guys name seem a little curious to any one else around here!!! RED FLAG PEOPLE!!!, no offence if you're not the killer troll Mr Impaler.


You definetly raise some good points, what did he do to piss someone off?


Joshua, this guy's a woman. 😉 But you can call me a guy if it makes you feel better. I've been called worse. "Ga" is a nickname given to me by a nephew who could not pronounce my first name, and "the Impaler" comes from friends who noted that I lack tact and speak my mind. It's off-putting to some people to have loud, opinionated (dare I say uppity?), educated women in their presence. I think this crowd is not that kind of crowd, though. And for the record, I think I am one HUGE red flag. 😂


LOL, I knew it!!!!😁 Although I never knew you were a woman LOL.


You knew I was a red flag, but you let me in anyway? Aw, thanks! 😂 And I'd respond faster, but I'm at work, kicking ass and saving lives. Also, I'm with a student, teaching her to kick ass and save lives


Why, thank you! I'm glad to be here with everyone. Stay safe and healthy.


Hahaha scream like a girl


Well damn it I'm late to the party again!! Probably not a bad thing since I don't have any idea of who,what,why someone killed him like they did. I just wanted to say I love the laugh at the end & I love rewatching you older stuff!!