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Hopefully our more experienced PATRONS can help out!




I have a troubling issue, Mr. Bug. Your content isn't nearly offensive enough to ward off all these Virtue-Signalling, weepy snowflakes, who want to destroy the English language, and piss all over normal peoples' fun. There should be no quarter spared for such emotional spastics... #KneelToNoFucker


Hey guys! I was able to watch the Blair Adams video here on the app but I keep getting “sorry, I can’t find the page” for the petit family video on here the app and on browser. Any advice? Thanks. Love being part of the group ♥️


Hi Brynn, It may be the way I have uploaded them, I am unsure, if you can't see through App watch through browser, it is very difficult for me to identify a problem because obviously I have access to all the content.


Ok will try again. Thanks dear bug! Keep up the good work 🙏


No worries, although I am here to help, Im generally useless and others are much better at solving issues but we will all get there together!


I’m having the same issue here. Most of your videos go straight to Vimeo where you get an error message claiming the page isn’t there ? The newest ones don’t seem to have this problem. It’s the older videos where it occurs most. I’m a patient man who doesn’t fret the little stuff. This to shall pass . This is more of an FYI and an agreement with Brynn J on the issue. Have a great day .


I opened a can of chicken noodle soup and it turned out to be chicken and rice


I prefer chicken and rice although it is hard to find in England, I don't see that an issue, rather a pleasant surprise, meeting a beautiful Filipino girl falling in love taking her home and finding out she is a dude.... well that could be an issue, the soup, eh, not so much!


And in both situations it's kind of too late to turn around. I hate wasting food and I know she'll try the "well it's my birthday" thing and it's too late to go find a European girl that's there on vacation. Yeh the soup looks good to me now. You have a way of putting things in perspective good sir


Hey there DB. One of your European Legion fans here. (Germany)I figured I’d put my two cents worth in on a question you asked. I just upgraded my $1 subscription to the $3 tier. Not that much more however all I can really afford right at this moment. As to your question wether or not you should cancel that tier, I believe you absolutely should. Especially if people take advantage of it by joining and watching what they want and then canceling before they get charged a second buck. WOW. That’s some cheap ass folks. I mean it’s a freaking dollar. I’m hurting for cash myself right now because I work in the hospitality industry and due to this pandemic we’re not getting a lot of customers and since I work for tips that really hurts. In turn it made me realize you are working for tips here on Patreon as well. Even though I joined the $3 tier I still feel like I should be paying more and I will as soon as life returns to some normalcy and my bank account allows me to. So In my arrogant opinion $1 just isn’t worth your time especially since they can cancel right away. Being part of the Legion and having access to your incredibly specialized art is worth every penny to me. And anyone that says different should just stay on YT and watch the censored bullshit they decide to promote over there. Fuck all the know it all bullshit trolls. Keyboard warriors talking smack from behind a screen of which 95% would never dare criticize you to your face if they met you in a pub. Legion Forever!!!


😲 i also prefer chicken with rice soup. and GUYS with dicks 😁


My back hurts


sevenigma most do so I think you should be pretty safe with that one. I guess you just need to be concerned that it's built to your preference. How's the chicken and rice situation in Canada?


oh Michael, the chicken & rice situation is aces up here, eh?! 🇨🇦 maybe you should plan a trip up here one day; just to experience all the majesty first hand ✈ i'd be happy to host ya but best to brush up on your Canuck first ☺💛🤣 https://youtu.be/EsL_TAfQxH8


I already have the Justin Beiber wallpaper on my work computer so I'm already doing well. That's my big takeaway from the video. I went to middle school in New Brunswick but I'm kinda dumb (see above) so I mostly thought I was in Maine the whole time


Alright then, I hate that when I'm scrolling down looking for content I want to view and I have a look, watch a deadbug joint or read a post and then when I'm done, it starts me all the way from the top again so I have to scroll and scroll down again...


coo. coo. new Brunswick. coo. mostly the planet's epitome of proper civil human behaviour. uncorrupted. mssg rec'd. i personally am well-corrupted. to each his own 💫 and i thought i was the master of self-deprecation. huh.


I am not unfamiliar with corruption. I once made chicken strips for guests and slipped a chicken nugget onto one of the plates. So I know the draw of the wild side


So I first saw your joint on liveleak years ago, looked you up on YT and now I followed you here to Patreon. Yeah I guess you could say I follow you like a retards nanny


I'm new to the platform in general, so none of this is aimed at anyone. I just find this format very hard to get used to. I appreciate DEADBUG and his no nonsense way of presenting facts. It's awesome. I have no problem spending money to support a creator like this that will never get a fair shake on the much more vanilla platform of YouTube. I just wish this platform was a little easier to use really. But, other than that, I'm happy to be part of this, and I hope you make many more awesome videos.


Yeah it kinda sucks, you need to let PATREON know it sucks as they change things with each update!


Brandon, how are you? thank you for being here!!!


I pledge 30$ and it’s cost me 50 every time haha as an Aussie I’m getting screwed But I been here awhile