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The Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders occurred on July 23, 2007, when Joshua Komisarjevsky and Steven Hayes invaded the residence of the Petit family in Cheshire, Connecticut, United States. Dr. William Petit was severely injured.

This was made on CC's suggestion as part of the benefits of her tier. As always, if a suggestion in the 15 and above tier is interesting enough I will make the film.

Enjoy Or Not



The Petit Murders (Master)



Deadbug, you did it again... blew it out of the park! BUT what the f*****ck? How do these monsters come up with these horrendous ideas of killing innocent people? I mean f*****ck... this one has really got to me! Anyway thanks for the brilliant work you put into all your magnificent films. That's why I love what you create.


THANK YOU Deadbug!! I never heard of this tragedy. Sometimes I feel like I live underneath a rock. lol That's what I love about your joints...always refreshing. I know at the expense of someone's life but... CC, thank you for the recommendation.


It boggles my mind why these two were allowed to walk free in the first place. The three Pettit women would still be alive today.


Just watched this,wow these guys were total evil assholes to do that to children! WTF were the pussy cops waiting for that infuriated me!! Really enjoyed this DB having never heard of those murders before.thanks


Hey DEADBUG it’s not allowing me to see the page.


Hey Brynn, you need to watch through your browser or at least I have been told.


This was an amazing video. Once again you've leveled up... against yourself


Aw it says sorry we can’t find page even on my browser.


I can go on like everyone else about how disgusting this is. But I'll tell you something, DB. I've seen some shit, and I've done some real bad things. Anyone ever dreams of doing anything like this to my little girl? I'll be next on your list, DB. Because I'll set this whole state on fire getting to whoever did it, and you bet their ass they'll get what they gave.


This is one of the saddest stories I've ever heard. I admire your work so much DB, thank you.


Thank you, Deadbug. If I don’t say it enough, you are so very appreciated. Thank you for doing the absolute best work I’ve ever seen in the realm of true crime. You are a brilliant, dedicated, incredibly talented artist, editor and narrator. As for this family, I’ve heard about this crime and as sad as the entire senseless bullshit is, a part of me hurts most for Bill Petit. I cannot imagine that father and husband ever getting over this suffering and loss.


I remember hearing about this because a company I used to work for had an office in Cheshire. There were people at the time who said that this case was only notable because it happened to white people in a wealthy town. Seriously, if someone came to a home, robbed it, kidnapped the seriously ill mother of the family and forced her to get money from the bank, then raped and sodomized her and her 11-year-old daughter (while the pedophile rapist glinted about it and showed off pictures, no less), bashed in the father of the family's head, strangled the mother to death while raping her, then set the whole house ablaze by lighting the mother and youngest daughter on fire...well, I don't care what color you are. That is next level what the fuckery. What it did highlight is that there is no "safest" town or place you could be where this sort of depravity couldn't ever happen. They walk among us, people. The only bright spot is that this can't ever happen to anyone else ever again because those two were apprehended right after the fact. And I'm sure Cheshire's taxes went up to pay for police training in what to do in the case of an actual emergency not involving loitering teenagers at the local mall, or whatever. I'm sure it was money well-spent. 🙄


That was brutal & Raw. I am lost for words,That doesn't happen often. How do you live & carry on with your own life when your family have been murdered??..this one had me on the edge of my seat. Even though you know people are going to die,I still hope & pray they escape some how. When you said about the older daughter making it downstairs I was like....oh noooo. Deadbug your work is mind blowing,it's like art the way you put it all together. You really are the best. Thank you. Skullrose,xx


Was the video deleted?