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Hey everybody, i hope you are having a great weekend, in this episode I talk channel shit and talk about Epstein case and the new development with the capture of Ghislaine Maxwell.

Enjoy Or Not





Hi DB, you might have already covered this, but would you possible do Sandy Hook and if it actually happened? I'm not a conspiracy theory nut job, but I have seen some very convincing evidence that it didn't happen and the one or two shooters were killed inside the school. I know it sounds crazy but have a peak at it for me please?


Im not a conspiracy fan, most people here will tell you that. One reason being my journalist training finds it hard to believe in things without various strong sources. Secondly anything conspiracy based brings the channel allot of hate, I have taken so much bullshit and abuse of George Floyd I wish I had not done it, allot of people may think I am a provocatuer who courts trouble, I assure you I don't and although I don't avoid it and will not be bullied down I still don't enjoy receiving shitty messages from people, im only human. i have thought about doing Sandy hook but if I do it it will be following what I know to be facts, secondly they removed my COLUMBINE in less then 30 minutes and I got a strike. The Channel is how I earn a living so flying into the face of God is never a good idea.


I completely understand deadbug, I fucking hate these conspiracy theory clowns, I knew you get a bit of flak, but fuck me DB I didn’t realise how much abuse you get for making the fucking truth, it drives me mad that some people are fucking idiots. I’m gonna be honest I thought your George Floyd video was incredible respectful, I don’t understand why some people fuck you over for making great truthful documentaries, we are all human, trolls that hide behind a screen and keyboard don’t give a fuck about your human feelings, scumbags like that are fucking pshycopaths. I think we are all guilty of forgetting we are all human beings with real feelings. I don’t understand why pricks on YT made you/remove columbine again like George Floyd your content is very respectful. I understand it’s how you make your dough, so yeah maybe a Patreon exclusive? Someone told me a saying that has always helped me it is ”Don’t let the bastards grind you down” anyway I’m Matt by the way.


I know I'm super late to this but I'm so glad to find a creator so alike to myself. My husband and I are both "on the spectrum" or however they want to put it. He struggles a lot with spelling to the point where he heard this and felt like a lightbulb went off because he could explain it better now. As for Youtube, they're cucks and will censor anything that doesn't give them profit, which is anything not sugar coated and a slideshow with a voiceover, but you know that. While I'm happy it's the platform I could discover you on, they do so many people that are incredibly talented dirty. Hopefully bitchute will harbor a much better attitude towards creators, especially those that will give those details that you go to that most will refuse to/can't because they rely on Google instead of actual press citation and knowledge from the original sources. You covered this really well in one of the other GTKTD podcasts. TL;DR: Fuck youtube, glad you can have this platform (and potentially another) to post on. You have a more honest covering of most of these crimes that others refuse to go into and I respect that. Hope you keep making content


I've never even noticed you're spelling was bad. Who gives a fuck though, that guy is clearly a douchebag. An NO your spelling does not take away from anything you do. You are great DB, just ask any of your Legion. WE love you ❤️👌🙃


Drop the buck ,you stuff isn't dollar store material and I think the mis spelling adds to the character


I don't care HOW you spell, if you have a brain, we know what you mean! I'm so tired of these freaking trolls bothering you! I really wish you could just realize that YOU have TALENT DEADBUG!!! I honestly believe that they're jealous and are just fucking trolls anyway!!!


Much love to you Deadbug 💜✌🏼 OH YEAH! I went from three to five dollars, and hopefully I can go up higher eventually!


Fuck spell check!! Of course I noticed, but so what??? Why are people so FRIGGIN TOUCHY anyway?!?!


Virginia is NOT a victim! She should be sitting right next to Gislane ! In SOLITARY, just like Gislane. I don't care HOW she spells it! You KNOW who I mean!!! Madam number one, with Virginia right there with her as madam number two!


$3.00 is a great place to start. Then you can cut down some of the trolls! 😂 SORRY! I talk too much sometimes!!!! 😂


So I think the one dollar is a little bit too low I know you’re trying to have your Content be affordable but I think I starting price would be five bucks because firstly if they heard your material on YouTube first that’s a good enough indicator if they like your stuff and second because if someone’s just gonna come here and take a shit on you for making this great Content you shouldn’t make it easy for them five dollars isn’t that much money but it’s a good starting point I mean hell couple years ago when play station four came out there was Xbox fans who spent all that money just to smash a PS4 to try to prove a point well the point is you already paid Play station good money and you destroyed the product you bought so maybe it won’t matter but That’s just what I think