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In this PODCAST I talk a little more about Jeffrey Epstein, I welcome new Patron's and I talk about my live Sunday Q&A, which was a bit shambolic and of course I am only joking so any participants don't take my remarks too serious, as I think I should have reminded other PATRONS the night before for a better turn out although I am grateful to those who did show up.

Enjoy Or Not!





Hey DB. I missed your last live chat, and I wonder if or when you are doing a live chat again?


Hello from a recluse. I pray all is well with you and yours in this dysfunctional society ?


Sorry I missed the Q&A. I know it was scheduled for people in a different timezone, but I was gonna try and jump in there anyway, but I'm old and couldn't stay awake until 2am, lol. I'd much rather talk to Christmas Special Ewok anyway. That motherfucker has seen some shit. He's got boots on the ground. Not like those pansy-ass Hollywood Ewoks, probably got their own trailers, drinking chilled beverages. They've got no clue. Howdy, new folks! Glad you could join us, we only bite when we're drunk.


Hey Khar and welcome, don't sweat it there will be other Q&A's and no way id be able to stay up that late either.


Okay, nice, fucking nice. I have never done a live chat before, so i am pretty excited. 👍


Ok now that I feel totally guilted about missing the Q&A I'll just say I'm so sorry for getting the day wrong lol. I heard Sunday so when I checked on sunday it was already done. Next time I'll pay a little more attention to the date so I can tell if you mean saturday night or sunday night or I'll check my world clock and know exactly what time it'll be in my side of the world. Fuck, I was so pissed that I missed it! I would've loved to be there 😞😞😞


Ahh, Gloria Allred AND her daughter are what we call an “Ambulance Chaser.”


I know you're not into conspiracies, would you ever do a video on the Clinton's body count.


Love the accents you do.


Umm maybe, I would never do it for youtube, it would be removed, but yeah Im not big into conspiracy theories, it is the journalist side of me that unless there is something factual I have nothing to run with.


Hey DB! New to Patreon but been watching your films for quite awhile now. I met Nikki on another channel on YT awhile back and she introduced me to your stuff. Your Epstein doc was great and I completely agree with you Virginia Roberts. Also, there is quite a bit of evidence to the whole Clinton thing. Even connected to the boys on the tracks, which you know. It's worth looking into and would love to hear your take. Anyway, thanks for everything you do. You're the last good thing on YT.


Thank you and thank you for making the effort to be here. Yeah Roberts is a bad apple, no doubt about it and sadly a few years ago no one would have touched her but now because of the me too movement everyone is afraid to call her out but I know lots of people were thinking it. She unlike allot of the other girls is duplicate and looking for a big fat payout! Age gives you the face you deserve and she certainly has hers! As for Clinton, yeah maybe in the future, I will be posting less and less on YT they just remove my stuff, don't even answer me when I ask why!


I was thinking about this just the other day, wondered what a DEADBUG vid on it might look like... this latest Epstein vid got me curious about it all.


finally they got the bitch !!!!!!! Salute to the legion !!!!hey deadbug have you heard about the sheriff that was with detective recury that has all the Epstein hard drives . He had to escape to Russia to escape the fbi. Go to YouTube SHUAN ATTWOOD. He has been interviewing him ... you should check that out man


I love listening to you speak and talk about your experiences and your thoughts. Thank you for the level of dedication you show us. I so appreciate your work!


Good podcast


Lol late to the party as usual. But you did a great job on the Q&A for what it was haha. I tried!! I can't remember all what had me laughing during this but I was out walking my pups just giggling to myself. Glad no one else is out at this hour. 🤭 What did you call Harvey weinstein again? The walrus of love?! 😅🤣😅🤣oh God 🤮 And helllloooo new legion members! Glad to have you here! 🤘💜


Hey Nikki! Sorry for the late reply. It's good to hear from you, it's been awhile. Im doing pretty good all things considered. How's everything been going for you?