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I have had a few people ask about the opening music for Jeffrey Epstein opening music, well ask no more because here it is.

Song" I'm A Bad Man

Artist: Tony Lee Stafford Jr.




Awesome! Thank you, Deadbug says!


Awww Andrew was talking shit?(scary mysteries) He's a creator. I would think, regardless of how you feel about ones work, you would respect the process. It's art, art is subjective.


My bad had a few last night lol wasn't trying to add to the work load I've been searching on my own and can't find any solid matches ill lock it down on here soon. This tunes great to btw Edit: got it, thanks db


Hey Forrest I had a few myself- so sick of this lockdown man. INEED HUMAN CONTACT!! Lol!


Thank you Deadbug!! Another great tune! Love it.


I introduced my Mum and brother to your channel and they love it! Been binge watching all your vids with my Mum. She was particularly touched about the James bulger case. She had tears in her eyes hearing of all the shitty things they did to that poor baby


I think all you need to do is look at NEW DAWN FILMS, the people that do Scary and they area out the most amatuer production company out there, trying to pass for something real when they do weddings as well, I think they suck as bad as Dyke and fisted does with all that "Scarify mysteries of the mont for aug" Fuck off and change the fucking record and apparently they have been ripping off NIGHT DOCS. That Chapter is at least interesting! My humble opinion, I hope you are well.


I appreciate and respect your opinion. I agree with you on all points. Especially Rob. I absolutely can not stand his manipulation of his young fans when he goes live. When sm first came out I was like one of his first 50 subscribers. It was new so it was interesting. I loved it. A few days ago was the first time I had watched one of his vids in almost a year. I did go back maybe a month ago and made a post looking for a pothead Mike. I don't even stay to watch it. I lost interest long ago. Now I will say this, if it wasn't for scary mysteries, I would have never found your channel. because that's where I met Mike. And Mike is the one that introduced me to your channel. I often think why do people get so outraged over your content. I don't understand it. I've never once seen you the way they described you. I've never seen you as a monster or insensitive or a racist. I think your content is raw and gritty and people don't like that. they want everything to be pretty and package perfectly and yours is definitely not that.


It case you missed it, that last sentence was a compliment.


I’m sort of a music snob unfortunately. However the tunes you use for your joints are so fitting and many have made it into my playlists. LEGION FOREVER!!


Hey that's kind of you Jackie, half the shit I give these other channels is because Im jealous of their numbers because yeah, I don't think they are very good but that in no way is a crime and is just sour grapes on my part. The whole insensitive thing, I honestly don't get it either and wonder if I come across to confident to them and that intimidates them, scares them even, as someone who has been a down on street level journalist, Ive always been compassionate about all victims of crimes, I think anything different, groundbreaking scares people, people relate to Dyke because he looks like the guy in the KFC lineup with a grease stain on his shirt but me, Im not that guy. This of course is only a theory but if you see the unmediated hate I get for spending a 7 day week passionately putting a program together got people who on a whole don't even pay for it.... well it baffles me.


Thank you Glen, that to me is the highest of praise. I generally avoid picking songs that I like, but songs that fit the joint and the mood of what I am doing and of course sometimes I think, hey I like this one and will listen to is for my personal enjoyment.


Glenn how do you find Deadbugs songs? I love all his music but really have trouble finding them im currently having a hard time finding the song which he uses at the end of the Hungerford massacre can you help me please?


Mum is 71 and can remember most of the cases you do for the uk. I just showed her the Yorkshire ripper one. Her reaction “Well fuck me, I didn’t know some of the stuff he’s telling us about. This guy is fucking great’. I’d have to agree


It’s under the heading soundtrack to tomorrow’s joint on 20th June.


Thank you so much Sarah I ended up finding it the other day 😀


Welcome to the legion lair CC!


Thanks for doing this DEADBUG . Your choice of music is always top notch. thanks sharing shearings sharing LFNL 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😎