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For all new PATRON'S I try to post a master version of the weekly YT joint, that is sometimes drastically different or slightly different but either way it means you can hang out in the comments section and relax.


BTK Master



That last picture is creepy as fuck especially with that sound! Is that one of his victims? You're a genius with your films... thanks for all your hard work Deadbug. ❤️😉


Thoroughly enjoyed that last night DB!


Hello to all. Wow, what a scary guy to pull that off and appeared to be a half normal citizen ( I think he had some local government job). I hope they gave him a nice welcome in prison.


Great vid DB. Love the ominous music for the outro. To think if he wasn't such an arrogant fucker probably would have slipped under the radar.


Does anyone else wonder what it would be like to have DB actually interview one of these monsters? I'm sure it would be unlike anything we've ever seen.


It’s interesting isn’t it? Was he so big a bonehead he wouldn’t know that disc would give him up or was he asking to be caught? He never seemed to have a conscious but being silent that long and then serve your own head on a platter?


For sure! I’ve watched a ton of interviews with murderers and only a small couple had a person with stones enough to ask the good questions.


Got to say out of most the Patreons I’ve seen this feels the most like family. Seen no bitching and seems good people 💜


You are right! I love these peeps here. Even DB muck in with us. It's great.😊


Best decision I’ve made this month lol


I'm trying to decide which is creepier---the actual crime scene photos or Rader's bondage photos. What makes me mad is that he missed being eligible for the death penalty by only three years, which means to people of Wichita will have to feed, house and clothe this dirtbag for the rest of his dirtbag life. Great video, as always, Deadbug!


Fucking Dennis 🙄 such a little baby back bitch.


Fucking love you DB! If it wasn't for your film making idk what I'd be watching. Since you're doing the big time killers, can I inquire as to if/when you will be doing Jeffrey Dahmer? Most interesting IMO cuz he wasn't an arsonist, didn't wet the bed, and didn't torture animals. Not while they were alive anyway. And he seemed remorseful. Not to mention his high IQ when most serial killers have below average IQ.


Hey, soon, he has been on the books for a while , as you know I do things more on what I am inspired to do instead of agenda but it will definetly be soon.


Enjoyed this one bugman. Thank you for giving us something worth watching. Was the lizard people in Vietnam video real? I cant find anything on it


Hey Paul, thank you, yeah of course the story was real, I wouldn't insult anybody by making it up. I had someone asked me about a month back what my sources were on it and too be honest I don't have clue now, I don't save research I do, Im not that organised and I never return to things. If I remember right one was a book I was reading on Nam and it was a pretty credible story from several stories from a unit who all refused to go back to the area. Another was a documentary on PBS and two soldiers reported it saying two of their men had been dragged away by lizard creatures, again pretty credible.


Is it just me or is the Vimeo link down? EDIT: I just couldn't access it via the Patreon app on my phone. Computer works fine. Who knows why


Wow this guy looked nuts even in his yearbook photo.