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In this episode GTKTD I review Netflix Series "Jeffrey Epstein Filthy Rich" as I am currently making my own film on the subject.  Also I talk about a  subject fraught with conflicting reports, KTK Dennis Rader, did he fuck any of the victims or did he just jerk off on them like he told investigators? Prosecutors believed that he did as they had found what could be seaman in two of the victims but Rader would not admit it because they believe he was advised an admission would link him to two later murders meaning it was within the remit of getting a death sentence.  

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watched that shit show too... holy shit. They cant even say it wasnt a suicide? You think those girls actually beleive he killed himself? They are paid and bought, nothing different for them i suppose.


I shoulda been borned with a dick... im not down with sentimentality, especially undeserved. Calling opportunistic women survivors... take away from real survivors...


Love all your content DB! And just FYI if you want a leprechaun to get you some After Effects and whatnot hit me up. I think my leprechaun friend knows a pirate who hooks me up with editing software and all that.


Lol, I was JUST thinking... My hairdressing license expired, when I got it, my birthday was less than a yr later and it was already due for renewal, I had just gotten out of school, and thought wtf.. So I paid it bc I had too, but then it seemed like another year later they doubled th cost to renew it and when mine was due again in a yr, I said fuck it. But the local Beauty Supply place has my info on file and when you check out they just use your name and phone number... It hasn't shown up that mine is expired, so I don't say anything! Lol! Hey, it's like HALF the price you'd pay anywhere else and the hair dye is tnen times than what you can get in regular stores and you can't get the professional shit anywhere else (not that I found without it being counterfeit, lol). I tried getting hair dye during this stupid shut down and the website said my email can't be found.. I said fuxk it, I was afraid it'd ask me too much info and they'd realize my shits expired, lol! I ended up ordering from Amazon, hoping it won't fuck up my hair, I'm too old to be shaving my head anymore, lol! I'll find out today! Lol!


BTW I absolutely HATE LeftFlix! I can't fucking stand anything they put out. No MATTER what it is, it takes me about ten fucking minutes to figure out what their left leaning agenda is and I shut it the fuck off. I can't stand it anymore. I don't even have LeftFlix, but I do have a password (and permission to use it, lol!). I fucking can not stand it anymore, I swear it leaks into everything


I think Gretta DumbBurg has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome... Lol, i have the meme to prove it 🤣🤣😉 I'm loved on Twatter, hahahaa!!! Liberal fucking cesspool. Lol!


Finally back on patreon! Things were rough around here for a bit lol Missed this podcast so much!


Cosby show sucked but Lisa Bonet was tasty as fuck in Angel Heart. You seen that? Amazing movie.


I hate that you can;t get pudding pops anymore.


Right? I loved those damn things. I did find some store brand once but they're probably gone too.


My third podcast and it’s barely 8. My early shifts are bareable.! Thanks DEADBUG !


They only tell you what they want to tell you and leave out the parts that the pussies (? 😜) don't want to hear,. They're all soooo sensitive now, it's ridiculous!!!


That's why I LOVE your content!! No pussy footing around for YOU!! THANK YOU FOR TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH!!!!