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Hi Legion, Matt F asked a question about the music I use in my films and I thought I would post the answer here in case anyone else has had the same question.

The Music I use In my films is called "Production Music" Meaning it can only be used and licensed (used) for Film & Television. Allot of big artists, NIN,Hans Zimmer, Snoop Dog, George Martin and the list goes on and, they do soundtrack work for Television and Film because it is a very lucrative business and allot of them do it not under their real names. This music I pay for and am able to licence because I am a Television Director and it isn't available to the public, so yeah maybe you might find it uploaded to YT somewhere but you can't buy it.

Matt also inquired when I will upload some of my music, I already use allot of my music in my films but just don't point it out, for me it isn't about saying "Hey look at me aren't I clever" it is just about if I feel like it fits the project also I don't get paid anymore so it is easier to use Production Music, I used to make production music but now I decided to focus on the films. Also that is all I need is to give the trolls more ammunition "This is you singing? It fucking sucks ass" although I assure you all I have the voice of an Angel.... With a broken wing!"

I hope this helps Matt! Please excuse my 5 year old spelling!




love that. love learning bout this stuff. thx DB. you are one cool cat....for a bug 🥰


Don't be so modest. You have a great singing voice! 😊


Remember not too long ago when Deadbug channeled himself through Albert Fish and made a video singing Mad World? That was EPIC !


I didn’t know that. It explains why it took me forever to find the version of “Wicked Love” you use. And, “We Used to be Cool”... ok every single one I looked for was a headache. Well worth it, because you have great taste in music. Thank you😊


Your voice is very angelic don't you let anyone tell you otherwise! I will fight them


its unberliveble music every week, and has totally changed my musical tastes completley. listen to all tracks availble every week and it helps me through rather dark times and my mh issues x


Ok.... so now im super fucking curious as to what you sound like.... pls post something you sing .


I actually found the one Matt was talking about. If you use the RSS link he sings and plays the guitar in GTKTD #1.


One of my favorites that you have used was wicked love by Naomi August in the first death by porn


So I may never know what the murder by design theme is. Damn haha


I love that most of the songs make me feel so calm and serene after taking in such heavy content. I love your music choice!