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Be There Or Be Square!



Saturday Tease





It's going to be like 50 shades of twisted depravity. I can't wait.


I've been asking for this one forever eeeekkkkk


Listening to the whole tape he'd play for the victims was one of the hardest things I've ever gotten through


Thats gonna be nice, fuckin nice


Everybody is warned, Sadistic evil exist ..they are living next door !!!! they muss be killed before they kill you....


This is going to be another stinger


Did yt take the teaser down?


If DeadBug was taking requests on ideas, I'd have to say the Carr brothers and their final crimes in Wichita, KS. It happened during the Christmas holidays of 2000.


Carr brothers? Have not herd of them, what did they do?


Not sure where they're from but they landed in Wichita, KS. They were following people home, robbing, just being idiots. They ended up knocking on a door that had 6 young adults, two were engaged to be married, raped them all repeatedly, drove the females to their ATMs to get money, eventually drove all of them out to a field and shot them all execution style. Only one survived, a female. Ironically she ended up marrying the guy the Carr brother's robbed and pointed a gun at while the guy was at a gas station. There's a lot more to it but that's the jist. Heartbreaking. I still remember my mom calling me crying about it. She lived in Wichita when all this happened.


Stinger as its going to Sting my Soul and I'll think about it at random times. Like when I am woken up from a noise in the dark. Or when I'm in the shower and my back is towards the door, shampoo dripping toward my eyes. Your work affects me to my core. But Deadbug, you didn't do these things, it's not your fault you have this material to use for scaring the piss out of us. No, stinger is a good thing. I wouldn't be subscribed if I wasn't getting stung.


Thank you such much, DB. And I know you do that's why I only asked like 2 (or 3 times) lol. I try not to get on your nerves 🙂


Do I get "a shout out for my brilliant fucking suggestion" like it says in the tier description im currently in? Lol. Hopefully I'll be back up to the highest tier soon when we can all go outside again.


unfortunately 90 % of people are scared to kill a sadistic evil killer even if he had hurt someone they know and many others..( .very few people have the guts to take business in there hands cos we are not allowed to make justice Are self...we muss go throu a lawyer and the judicial system and is fuck up.!! .


Also you'd have to share it with someone else who suggest it. 😏


This guy scared me. Took everything I had to finish the book, lol! I was young and lived alone. Actually the only book I couldn't read was Night Stalker Remirez... Lol, i brought it out to my car, threw it in the trunk and when I got to a dumpster the next day, I tossed it in. The book I read went into great detail about what he did to them. It was enough to keep me awake at night. Of course it didn't help that at that time I lived a block or two over from the worst area in New Bedford, MA. Now, if you ever heard of New Bedford, it's because there is still an unsolved case of 8 or 9 dead hookers left on the 2 local highways. The original prosecutor just died earlier this month. Also, there was the "Big Dan's" rape case that the movie The Accused was based on. But I had read the Night Stalker book in the very early 90s, and people still talked about the Highway Killings and my neighborhood at that time was a block or 2 up and over from where the hookers were picked up. I still drive through "Weld Square" on my way to work, although thankfully I live in another town. They still don't know who did it. Very sad