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amilton Howard "Albert" Fish was an American serial killer, child rapist and cannibal. He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria, the Brooklyn Vampire, the Moon Maniac, and The Boogey Man

Enjoy Or Not



The Gray Man

Documentary on serial killer Albert Fish.



It's really inspiring to me how, after all these years of doing it, you are still so passionate about filmmaking. Good job this week DB


I'm sorry to say DB, but you have lost some of my respect, what have you got against carpet floggings? You have clearly never lived 😁


Brain injuries are really weird.. I can attest to that. A personality change from a TBI is common I guess. We are far more out of control than we like to think. The brain is involuntary just like our lungs... it does its thing and it manifests itself through you! Think about it...


Lol. Love the dramatic ending. Too bad there isn't any footage of the old fuck frying.


Like someone else commented on YT, I've already read at least a couple of accounts of Albert Fish but you STILL managed to inform me of new details. Best in the biz DB 👍 Albert was a broken soul, I don't really buy into notions of people being "evil" (only actions) as they're too simplistic and dismissive of the individuals human experience/make up, this level of depravity goes much deeper than a throwaway term. Glad he's fucking dead though, deeply broken entities still belong on the scrapheap.


Well, sometimes it isn't easy but I try, in each joint I focus on an element, whether trying to recreate an era and a feel or frying Albert in a chair, if I find something I want to make believable, I generally enjoy myself. If it was talking over a few pictures, I would have went nuts along time ago.


I thought you should know, YouTube had your new video up on my front page.


It also autoplays your videos after I'm finished watching both your videos, and some other YouTubers content.


that is positive isnt it? although they must have made a mistake, thank you for letting me know....gives me a little hope!


That's fucking messy! Damn it you give the best commentary, you sir truly are the best true crime documentary film maker on the internet. I will gladly pay for your content.


I. Can't. Stop. Watching.


This is some fucked up repugnant shit, and as always, presented in a masterful production. Damn...DB, I was put on to you about 3 months ago on YouTube and have been a moderate-tier Patreon subscriber for about that time, give or take, and something kept me from watching this particular film, not sure what it was, as I've loved most of your stuff. I think I earmarked it but kept forgetting to watch. Now I know why. Some of the sickest most twisted stuff I've ever heard and I've heard a lot. Keep it up DB! We love you! Can't wait to see what's next!


That ending made me spit my coffee out laughing so hard. We share the same dark humour my friend. keep em coming. those dirty milkshakes i tell ya


Im guessing you didn't come here cause you were the sensitive type! lol


Im only sensitive to the rediculous youtube censorship rules. Glad i came here for the true freedom of speech.


Holy crap I swear I mean I don’t even know if I should really admit this in public but I really honestly came as close as humanly possible without actually doing it to peeing down my leg I was laughing so fucking hard at the end of this damn video