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I am not sure if any you have seen this  but this is one of, if not my favourite documentary's, I only found this film because I have had a few people compare my work to this film maker and after that I sought him out and usually I think FUCK YOU what an insult but I saw this guys film and I loved it and have watched it numerous times. It didn't influence me in any way because I have my own style Im comfortable with but I did see a lot of similarities, on being how he takes found footage and links it with music to give a darker meaning. Some scenes actually brought me to tears, like a ballet that jumps from some arab kids show to blood on a camera lens from a terrorists bomb.

I have mentioned many times that I am not a political person in any way, so I have hearing shit about conspiracy theories or people on any rants whether Trump or Hillary or Boris it generally bores me but I feel this film, whether you agree is a beautiful pice of art and felt it was a compliment to be compared to.

Try to stick with it for 15 minutes, it may seem odd to you but give it a go. The soundtrack alone is beautiful. Let me know what you think. People often ask what I enjoy watching, this is what I like to watch in bed at night with a glass of red wine, I have Autism so I tend to watch things over and over again and this is one of those things that soothes me.

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Adam Curtis - Bitter Lake [Tr-Eng Altyazı ]

Adam Curtis - Bitter Lake [Tr-Eng Altyazı ] izleyin - Belgesel Günlüğü Dailymotion'da



Thanks Deadbug. I'd love to check this out.


"Here is some pocket money. The secret police are arresting me". 🤣


Politics are nauseating from every angle, yet I'm fascinated by the corruption behind our existence. I'm only an hour into this video but I love it! Thanks for throwing this out here for us to watch. I gotta finish watching it after work which pisses me off knowing not to get into it until I could view it in its entirely. Yeah, I know what you're thinkin'. Hi! My name's Richard! 😔


Definitely going to watch this tmrw. I watch a ton of documentary stuff, then go look for more info on it, because there are always two sides to every story. Most film makers shoot it from their side, so I like to try to find both. Sometimes it's tough though, or I lean more towards what the film maker shows, but shouldn't get lazy because it's what I believe or want to believe. Wayyy too late to be thinking about this now 🙃 ... 5am, lol, I'm just getting to bed, this quarantine has really fucked up my schedule! I WAS a somewhat reformed night owl.... Pfft, fuck that reform now. I'll have to start allll over again. And it wasn't easy to change, I'm too old for change, lol!


45 minutes in and I have to get ready for work now (healthcare - not on quarantine) and so far..👍. So glad to watch a Deadbug recommendation 🤩 /Can’t wait to finish it this evening.


DB, I know you say things at times that catch me off guard but you said you have autism. Is this true or are you yanking my chain. I worked over 22 years with developmentally disabled adults and children, specializing in autism and down syndrome. Not that any of that matters. I just was shocked you said that. Lol anyway...


No Im not joking, I have a child in care who is less functional. I was in and out of institutions as a kid.


I thought I was tripping when Burial's (his logo is my Avi) "Come Down to Us" kicked in at 26 secs, it was just a quick flash of a vocal sample and I'm like "was that fucking Burial?" then the actual song kicks in at 32 secs and I knew I wasn't having a stroke! Edit: whoever did the soundtrack's definitely a Burial fan, second song is "In McDonalds" Already know a bit of Afghanistan as we had 3 refugees (2 girls 1 guy) from there in my class in the 90's, one of my Albanian friends said rumour has it the guy fought with the Northern Alliance against the Taliban. We ended up asking him about it one day and he just nodded and his eyes slightly glazed over with pain/sadness (maybe?) and we never asked him about it again. He was the sweetest guy you'd ever wanna meet too, the thought of a 14-15 yr old kid fighting in a REAL war was foreign and in complete opposition to his demeanour/personality. Anyway, will definitely watch this, thanks for the recommend DB. 👍


Yeah the soundtrack to this is amazing and that Burial tune kicking it off, made me know it was gonna be good.


All that shit is sad, politics aside it is human lives.


Hi deadbug hi legion . Just started watching this documentary andthe first thing I noticed was the Afghanistan President had a fantastic American accent . He kept slipping in and out on it . That's just funny to me . Well I'm going to watch the rest of it now . Thanks DB 👍 LFNL 🇬🇧😎


Its because he was one of the students who got western education.... great doc DB thanks for the recommendation.


watched it on your recommendation and found very interesting and highlights to most people where the conflict in the Middle East at least in part stems from.


Glad you liked it! Not to blow my own trumpet but I think I was one of the fans who compared you - only elements, mind you, your style is different. I think i said “on the level of” or something like that. Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a while - catching up with everything now.


This shit absolutely kills me. I was in the Army and deployed to Afghanistan three times and Iraq once. I can honestly say that the people In Afghanistan are not my enemy. As an infantryman I was up close and personal to say the least. The Country had problems just like America or all the others. I hated them during my first tour. As time went on I started to respect them. I would do the same as they did if a foreign military was walking down my street. The horrible shit I did will be with me forever. It was all legal under the title of WAR. What war?? There was absolutely no reason to be at war with Afghanistan of Iraq. Learning how to read and write again because of my combat injury was life changing. I had to kick my ass kicked in such a way to see the beauty in all people. What did we accomplish? Still waiting for that answer. Afghanistan is such a beautiful Country. I just don’t understand why and never will. Sorry for any bad spelling or punctuation.