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I have shortened this and cut the middle story out because I was unhappy with it. Pease watch again if you get the chance.

On March 26, 2018, a group of German tourists found the Hart  family's 2003 GMX Yukon XL after it flipped and fell off of a cliff on the Northern Californian coastline, with Jen, Sarah, both 38, and three of their six adopted black children found dead at the scene. The shocking accident made national news with many calling it a tragedy that such a whole some family that set such an example be taken from the country.

But then the details started emerging… and the more things started to emerge the less the media wanted to talk about it, like the fact that Jen, who had been driving, had alcohol in her system, a woman who repeatedly posted she didn't drink while Sarah and two of the children appeared to have taken large doses Benadryl. No one seemed to have been wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash. And the speedometer was at 90 miles per hour…(who the fuck drives 90 on a curvy mountain road? Had Jen not tried to brake at all? Or did she purposefully drive the SUV off the cliff? The more people asked these questions the more the media ghosted the story.

Sometimes less is more, a couple of things in yesterdays upload I was unhappy with, most notably the middle section so I have re-edited parts and posting it here.

The Hart family crime for me is one of the more disgusting things I have come across, these two self righteous cunts using children to make themselves look good. Claiming on FB they don't drink and are vegetarians and when cops enter the house they are the exact opposite. The first things cops noticed when they entered the family home was that it didn't even look like kids thrived there, they didn't even have beds, meanwhile the couple had just taken out a loan and down e a huge renovation on the house.

 It was when Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said held a press conference after the tragic event saying he was no longer calling it an accident but "I'm calling it a crime." 

Friends immediately came out and started making accusations it was because they were a lesbian couple that had adopted African American children and that these were good people who loved the kids and would never do them harm. The Sherrif despite being heavily criticised even called homophobic he stated "This should not be Sugar coated" And the cold hard facts that immediately started surfacing after the GMX Yukon XL was found flipped over at the bottom of a cliff will likely be difficult for many to hear, with investigators soon realizing there was more to the Hart family than Jen's cheery and inspirational Facebook posts had led people to believe. That they had been abusing the children since they adopted them, and dropped them out for their cheesy inspirational "Hugs for free" photo's but behind closed doors the children were sneaking out of their bedrooms at night going through people garbage cans looking for something to eat.

Even today with all the facts released friends refuse to place the couple saying that it was the left that had trolled and harassed the couple to their deaths. But history shows us something different with them being on the record for 3 separate states with Childe abuse accusations for the 6 children they had adopted and the couple had actually fostered another child in 2004, when they were in their mid-twenties. A 15-year-old girl came to live with them and was expecting to be a big sister to the first set of siblings they would adopt…until they dropped her off at a therapist's office and she never saw them again. Kids were a tool for these woman they had no value except for self promotion.

What makes it more difficult to fathom as these woman seemed to be equally duplicate in their crime, in one incident where one of the young girls was caught with a penny in here possession, even though she said she had found it, they accused her of staling it and held her face in freezing water in the kitchen sink while kicking and punching her, this while bring the kids to protests, political conventions, Yoga retreats and music festivals, often times wearing matching clothing.

Jen would often post photos from these festivals, with all of the children wearing huge smiles, and would post inspiring updates from their daily life, with friends saying "She was a master poster." but people started reporting that when the camera wasn't on them the kids eyes went dead like robots.

These woman were even in talks to do a reality series, now here is the true reality.







Some stories just hit different. I don't know if this statement rings true for anyone else but if it does than you know what I mean. The Hart story hit different for some reason. I love all of your videos DB, but two of them were just different. The Hart's and James Bulger. I can't say what it was about them, I just know they are different. 🖤💜🖤💜


Children have to be handled differently, I have no understanding of any0one who could hurt a child, I have never even spanked my children, ever, so you hear a story about someone holding a little kid under water while two parents kick and punch her? It is like a movie/


Those poor kids 😫😧😤


Got through the first 2 on YT giggling and paused to comment, then continued and the laughs stopped. Saw pics of the kids on Twatter numerous times and recognised the virtue signalling (it's a plague on both sides of the political spectrum but def worse on the left) but never in my pessimistic mind would I have guessed they were nothing but Pawns on a chessboard of pure narcissism. Their "friends" must've noticed the meat and booze around the house, maybe even caught a glimpse of sadness in the kids eyes. If they didn't, they were fucking blind to the in plain sight hypocrisy and paid the kids no mind. Birds of a feather.


I think these fucking idiots see what they want to see, it is amazing how quickly you shut down a conversation calling someone gay or homophobic. As soon as you start trying to defend yourself "I have gay friends" I have black friends" your already on your heels and loosing. It's just one of those things, I just say fuck you!


yes, i have NO tolerance for shitheads pulling out the race or gender card; we all bleed red mutherfuckers, wake up!


I like to say I can't stand all assholes equally, regardless of race or love interests unless it's children I hate cho-mos


That last part of the video with the little fella dancing, that got me! That last story was horrific! Pair of virtue signallers that the authorities are too shit scared to have done anything for fear of being labelled homophobic. Loony left wins again Also DB have you heard of British serial killer Patrick Mackay? Saw a tv show about him and think he’d fit right into a DB video.


These are the type of crazy ass bitches that gives the left a very bad name. We got them on both sides of the tracks. But getting back to these two psychopathic assholes. These are the ones that should have been made one of our other friendly serial killer's lunch. Those children needed to be saved. Am I getting this right? The kids were adopted as babies and survived to their teens with the two witches?


Oh wow! Amazing job, as always. That last case has always horrified me but this is the first time I was brought to tears over it. Very well done - I hope those 2 evil beings are rotting away in hell. I can only say I'm happy they drugged those kids before they killed them so violently. Thanks so much for another amazing upload DB.


so looking forward to binging on Deadbug!


Beautiful and sad. I've heard this one before, but it still hurts like fresh. Love the song at the end, btw, and if it isn't already in the downloads, I would be thrilled to see it there.


Me and my girlfriend were talking once and wondered why there wasnt a rub and tug for women. And we both chuckled and said I guess it would be more like a lick a split...lol. I giggled when you used the term lickity split. 😉🙃


Wow that last story really got to me, specially while seeing that little boy dancing was heartbreaking and started tearing up crying, just thinking about what those poor kids must have been put through. What kind of monsters would starve and hurt children like that is horrific and incomprehensible to me Ó╭╮Ò That was a whole rollercoaster of emotions watching this episode. I'm always amazed at the production value of your work Mr. Deadbug hence why I volunteered to join your Patreon. I'm so lucky/glad I stumbled upon your channel on youtube. Your work is my guilty pleasure.Thank you.