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Green River killer master cut with a few improvements. I enjoyed this one, my favourite films are the ones that become art where I translate an unsettling, creepy feeling, you feel in some way you are part of the experience.

Enjoy Or Not



The Green River KillerI #30

The Green River Killer



Thanks for this film Deadbug, you gave me more info about this case that I never knew about before. Really appreciate all your hard work.


As I’m going through old joints, Fuck DB you just absolutely school Everything you touch! And or also Gary was the true definition of a psychopath! I joke with my kid how Incompetent late 90s police work Was when I revisit 60s.70s,80s cases it blows my mind


damn this is a great one


Sherry Dead Bug always bringing the details every one else leaves out why he is the best


You're brilliant dude, insanely good work!


Fucking ewww....he wanted to fuck his mother & she poses with her bits out! What the fuck is wrong with people? Awesome work as always DB 🤘💕


Thank You Deadbug!!!


Thanks for the episode. Your films are not just about the crime. The kinda stuff I could watch multiple times and admire the layers of work put into it. .and next time I could still find stuff that I missed the last time. Oh ... but I don't know about the accent tho! Just sayin.. haha😛😛


I try to make art on different levels. Yeah I don't know about my accent either, Im starting to get an identity crisis.


Ahh ha ha.. yeah crazy how some people feel the need to pin point where you are from, or who you really are! Hey but the only thing that you need to identify with is your sexual preference, and I think you got that 😁.


Hell yeah! Phenomenal!! I loved this!!


This is amazing! Was asking myself if you were ever going to do a Ridgeway episode. So much more detail than what local authorities were handing out from what I recal


Hey Robert, I'll drop you a few lines. How long will you be there and will a birthday be showing up when you are in there??


Really enjoyed this upload, I love when you do the famous cases because you come at it with a fresh take and your undefinable quality!


Oh hell no DeadBug! A man cannot go wrong with a woman who has an accent or in a uniform. If you have both you're pretty much guaranteed a happy ending. Us women are weird with that. True story.


True indeed. As true as a woman can't go wrong with showing up naked with just beer and pizza 😂


11h35 what a fuckin noise.....amazing and crazy...i love it