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Hello LEGION, this is a personal pleas from myself to our generous community. Rob Dyke has brought so many of us happiness over the years and now it is time we give back. 

Rob is suffering from a debilitating condition called KFC syndrome, this is where the body becomes so dependant on chicken fat that without it in large quantities, it spasms to where the sufferer cannot walk, unless he consumes a bucket of battered fatty goodness. Unfortunately with YOUTUBE demonetising even the shittiest crime channels Rob is suffering and as KFC no longer honours his  loyalty card (apparently from fraud related use) he is literally waiting away and  needs your help NOW, so pop on over to his YT channel and give generously. Sure he may not post but he still has so much more to give!

Rob Thanks you, DEADBUG thanks you




I cant give because I think allowing him to die is the kind thing. The kind thing to me😁.I will however, donate to his euthanasia.


I wouldn't go near him with 10 foot pole. 🤢🤮🤢


I'm beginning to think you guys are being sarcastic. For shame! Look at the poor m.... Ok, sorry, I can't do it with a straight face! 🤣 How about if I donate towards his gastric bypass, or stomach staples, or whatever it is fat fucks do when they, y'know, turn into head-Bobbin Rob? I think that photo has been doctored, btw. Pretty sure he's bigger than that 🤣🤣🤣


I thought this was a real picture for longer than im proud of lol🤭


I had the TV playing in the background and when it went to commercial break I heard sad music and thought it was one of those ads where they ask for money for the homeless animals but when I looked up, there was Rob Dyke and a plea for donations to save his life. It’s either, save one man (term used loosely) or an entire generation of chickens.


This is why Popeye's was running out of Chicken Sandwiches.


I’m not giving that fat fuck a penny!


Yes, that's Awesome! I hate that fucker with a passion


That's awesome, I hate that fucker with a passion


Let him get the DIEabbetus haha!


I fucking love my DEADBUG and Legion! 🖤🤟
