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As mentioned I am remastering my favourite work and uploading it to PATREON.

James Bulger was a 2-year-old boy from Liverpool, England, who was abducted, tortured and killed by two 10-year-old boys, Robbie Thompson and Jon Venables. James was led away from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle as his mother had taken her eyes off him momentarily.

Few crimes are as gruesome as this and the fact that it was committed by children makes it even more horrific and just the mention of the killers names will cause anger and out rage.

More than 25 years later, the surveillance images remains etched in the minds of the millions familiar with the James Bulger case. To those who aren’t familiar, the scene looks harmless enough: Two boys leading a toddler, one holding his hand as they make their way through a normal shopping mall in Bootle Liverpool, England.

The older boys (Jon Venables and Robbie Thompson) seem like they could be the brothers of the toddler , as some bystanders thought in the mall that day. But they weren’t. Instead, they were the toddler’s abductors and, soon, his killers.
Within hours of that surveillance image being captured on the afternoon of Feb. 12, 1993, 10-year-olds Jon Venables and Robert Thompson had sexually abused and tortured two-year-old James Bulger to death then placed him on the train tracks for a train to cut him in half in hopes of hiding any evidence of the murder.


Born Evil , The James Bulger Murder

James Bulger was a 2-year-old boy from Liverpool, England, who was abducted, tortured and killed by two 10-year-old boys, Robbie Thompson and Jon Venables. James was led away from the New Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle as his mother had taken her eyes off him momentarily.



Wow Deadbug you really know how to pull on the heart strings! This one was really difficult to watch, but your narration gave me goosebumps. Poor baby James suffered an unfathomable death that nobody deserves... except these 2 fucking monsters! That song at the end was the end of me. Thank you for giving little James such respect in this, your best film. Much love and respect to you Deadbug ❤️


I was hoping this one would be “mastered”. Thank you! Everything about this crime was crazy. Your execution is great as always. Cheers from WI!


Thanks bro, I will get through others slowly but surely but only the worthy ones.


Thank you, Deadbug. Such a sad story. Poor little boy. Evil exists in this world..unfortunately sometimes in children.


Also, thanks for putting in the time to master these for us. Much appreciated. ☺


I watch crime videos more than I should admit. You're by far my favorite creator when it comes to this. As I watch them I have the normal thoughts most would have like what a shame and that was sad but that's it and I go on. For the first time ever a video made me cry. This was the one. That baby..... This story isn't new to me but for some reason the way you presented it struck me in a different way. Thanks DB for another well executed video. 8 years in exchange for a life and lifetime of pain seems so unfair.


Thank you, this made me tear up to, I don't really like to do child murders but this I felt lacked something in the other tellings of what happened so I thought I should take it on.


I remember when this happened. It made the news in the US.


Your outstanding genius way to create and narrate this video is awesome and mesmerizing.and full of respect to James Bulger and his Family.( I don't know how to say how much I like, how much I am amazed by this video. ( I was in London when it happen )


So good. The best telling of this story. It makes me cry like a baby every time.


That was a heavy one. Nicely done sir.


This case was one of the most horrific, sickening and heartbreaking I’ve ever known. Those two cunts should still be banged up (thank goodness Venebles is, the disgusting piece of shit) and should never have seen light of day again. 😭


I know this terrible crime merits worldwide coverage, but I didn’t know this story made it across the pond. I’m glad so many people know what happened to poor little James and those ‘boys’ are hated around the globe.




What a horrible death this innocent child endured.