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FAGS is one in a series of documentaries I did about a dear friend of mine who was murdered by the name of Darlene Prioriello. I rate this as one of my favourites so I hope you will have another watch of this and in the next few weeks I will be uploading other films in my favourites list.




The Murder of Darlene Prioriello.



This was touching. It reminded me of a 13-year-old girl from my hometown, Melissa Benoit, who was killed by her next-door neighbor, Henry Meinholz (right within sight of the police department), when Melissa had just returned home from visiting her father's grave. She'd spent the afternoon with friends and decided to cut through the cemetery on her way home, so she could visit her father's grave, and Mr. Meinholz decided to abduct her as she passed through his backyard. He violated her, killed her in his garage (which faced the police department), suffocating her with a pink blanket and then holding her head down in a pan of water to make sure she was dead, before wrapping her in a tarp and burying her down in his basement. Somehow, police didn't think the fact that there was red paint everywhere in his garage was a dead giveaway (he said he spilled a can of paint...in random locations throughout his garage...while painting his boat red. I'm not sure they ever even confirmed that he owned a boat, much less a red one. Ah, Kingston, MA. I just don't miss it. For more fun with dead girls in Kingston, MA, look up Tracy Gilpin. And then wonder why the actor Chris Cooper moved there. I know I do.


Of course I had to watch it again. Just because it's you. It's such a sad case.😥


Hey DB! Just wanted to say your whole series on the Priorello case is a masterpiece and is some of your best work. It disgusts me what that sub-human did to her. Also I'd like to say that I really enjoy the new mastered versions you put out. Your films are very re-watchable as they are but its awesome to see you putting the work in to make even your older work better. Says a lot about your professionalism thats rarely seen on YouTube or even mainstream for that matter. I re-watch your stuff all the time regardless, but keep these coming. Its good to know my $10 bucks a month is well spent. Thanks again.


Thank, Im going to keep doing it as long as I can and I guess when I can't do it anymore I will have some sort of legacy that hopefully one day will reach a wider audience, sometimes things considered radical as time passes don't seem so radical.


Sad case. :( Well done on this 👏


woah, so close to home for me, had no idea about this one. thanks again for everything db.


This is definitely one of my all time favorites. I love everything from the intro. The humor, the presentation, the music, the info. This cut is amazing!


This was awesome. I went back and watched the interview with her sister as well. Thanks for giving us the details in a raw format nobody else would. I appreciate you.


This was a really cool thing for you to do


I just watched this for the1st time. . A touching piece of work deadbug, you sexy beast! B


Freaking amazing! Sad story


That one touched me DB. Not like in a J.W.G way I might be gay but I hate clowns, seriously though excellent joint.


this is my fave too .... sad funny and touching x