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I am not sure that anybody has noticed but I have removed all of GTKTD PODCASTS off of YT (With the exception of Funeral abuse and Psych abuse) This is after receiving a strike for harassing and bullying someone (who Im unsure) but in YT knew terms and conditions they are coming down heavily on creators who bully or say negative things about other creators, well that is unless you are PEWDIEPIE who brutally dresses down more than a few YOUTUBERS (and deservedly so) well he is impervious to any such actions clearly the low life fucks like myself are not!

What constitutes bullying? As usual YT leaves it very unclear and open to interpretation... their interpretation, so anything from PUSSY OF THE WEEK comments (a strand were I spotlight trolls at their nastiest) or me making fun of Rob Dyke doing live streams telling people if they give his 400 dollars he will make sexy eyes for them or Kaylise whatever her name is saying she is quitting from depression but keeps returning to live stream sitting on a couch eating chips and chip dip playing video games pushing her perch while saying this is the last time I will appear. It seems everything now can be tagged harassment and if I want to remain on the platform until they remove me for more justifiable reasons like my offensive crime content i need to take all my shit down including all my ZIPLOCKED which really is a shame because my ZIPLOCKED XMAS and Halloween are some of the best things i HAVE DONE. 

I personally think, if you are going to be on YT and be a creating and entertaining, you should be open to people taking shots at you and I find it comical that people can now report things as bullying and harassment, if you are going to go and infant of 1000 thousand subscribers and say  you are the obvious choice to be the next host of NETFLIX Reboot of Unsolved Mysteries, you should be open to people laughing at you....SIMPLE. Im open to anyone taking the piss out of me it comes with the territory, if another channel wants to make fun of me go ahead.... nothing is wrong wit me saying Rob Dyke is a fat sweaty pig, or Criminally fisted has pedo hands..... Show like Saturday Night Live do it weekly, what am I but entertainment, a comedy writer, a TV writer, a producer and I put those skills to work here, but instead of fighting back these people complain that YT should be a safe place.

Its funny to let you know how bad YT is now, I found a film of mine someone had re-loaded, its funny if you goole one of my films, what comes up is not me or my channel but the people who have stolen my work (thanks YT) anyway I found one of my films and asked this person to either take it down or please give me full credit with a link to my channel (which i feel is more than fair) anyway they did not respond so I filled out a form for copyright infringement with YT and 3 days later they found the time to get back to me and said i have not proven that the work is mine and will not take it down. In the form I was forced to give my real name, state exactly what part of the film was mine (all of it) give my home address, I told them I was a director , producer that I wrote, edited, voiced, created the graphics and wrote the description and created some of the music as well as adding URL to my origin upload. Yet they tell me I have not proven it is my content when the film says right on it, "Created by DEADBUG" so they let this person continue to keep the rewards of my work... PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A NASTY MESSAGE or fill out a report on what you know to be stollen


 and yet within 30 seconds of me uploading my documentary on The Manson murders a TV Show called Sharron Tate "Too Young To Die" claimed ad revenue for 15 seconds of Roman Polanski's press conference on his wife death saying id used it from their show when in fact I had got it from an NBC stock footage library. If I wanted to dispute this false claim I would have had to show my licence agreement (when you make a tv show and use old stock footage, you pay for a clip and that's it, if I want some agreement id have to phone the states and ask for one) Id have to fill out this huge form disputing this.... and for what?

 I already make no ad revenue because it is adult content but now these other people can make money, how does that make sense? Also now this AD REV company are claiming they own all my music (which I pay to use) and run commercials in front of my work and when I tried to dispute it, it took me 20 minutes just to do one sone and YT got back to me and told me they will let me know there design on this in 60 days, what design? I am a professional television director who pays a licensing fee to use all my music that I do in my fils, but now commercials are run in front of my work and people don't give PAYPAL donations any more because they think I am getting ad rev, and that everybody is the bullshit channel update of the day!!!

So inclosing let me know if you want GTKTD MP3's uploaded so you can download past episodes also let me know if you want any ZIPLOCKED eps from the past uploaded here!




I just went to look at it and it's down it says it was removed because of copyright claim by DeadBug Says!!!! Maybe YT is doing the right thing but either way I'm glad it's gone. Sorry so late was at Docs all day. So sick of YT and their bullshit!!!! I hope they take the Thieving Fucks whole fucking channel down and ban him!!!! 😠😠😠🤬🤬🤬🤬


Did you look into joining Jorge Spraves union. I think they are making some headway with YouTube. Might be worth a punt. 🕷🦗🐞🐜💋 x


I have no words. Yes please, please upload your GTKTD as well as your zip locked episodes. It would be greatly appreciated, especially GTKTD as a simple verbal podcast.


I'm not surprised. Honestly, before your joints you say "if you're watching this anywhere else, then some thieving fuck stole it." I don't mean to sound like a Vagina, YT being YT and with your horrifying trolls, who I don't ever wanna see (even with the lights off). Some fucktard with way too much time, decided to hate so much that they would lie and fuck you because you said or showed something they didn't like. So they took their damaged feellers and took the time to take something you've said, and make it reality. OI'm starting to hate this new PC bullshit. I hate to bitch to you guys but this is too much. Society is more concerned with not hurting anyone's feelings, they don't see the kid in the corner of the class with bruise's. Always, always stand up and force yourselves to be heard 💪🗯💀 Legion come together bitch and as always bitch kindly and intelligently to YT contact them often about their incompatince. Thank You🔥 see you at bitchute.(?).


I want all the ziplocked!! And I WAS subscribed to YouTube so I didn't have to watch ads but am unsubscribing because I don't want to support a company behind so much stealing and bullshit. The fact they are making ad revenue OFF of you yet ghost your fucking channel?? They can eat a dick. A fat, hairy, stinky, shriveled dick.


You can see it but you have to look directly for it. So I guess not completely ghost but doesn't show up if you search like "Twitter killer" or the name of a video. When I found your channel it was through someone suggesting it on the comment section of a video from That Chapter and I had to type the whole thing in right. Like if I put a space between dead and bug it didn't find it. Had to be deadbug says. Edit: but by subscribe I mean pay their monthly fee so I didn't see an add every 30 seconds on a 3 minute video. So your prediction that they are trying to turn into Netflix is 100% on the money. Or off the money for everyone else but them. :/


Fucking angry about this BS. So sorry brother is there anyway that the legion can help you. As a wise man said. In for a penny in for a pound. I'm in this shit now and want to help. Love from North London son 😎👍🔫🔪💉


Hi DEADBUG . Just had a look see . And whoever it was has taken that video down . It says because of you . So we'll done brother 👏👏👏👏 LFNL SON 🇬🇧😎


im late getting to the party, but i just watched a few other channels today who are getting fucked with in a bunch of really unusual ways too - it doesnt seem to really matter how many, or how few, subs or views you have, or even what the content on your channel is - it seems like the channels getting fucked with are the ones who refuse to monetize their uploads .. im prolly wrong, but i thought i'd toss it out there


I can’t find any of the past episodes on my RSS feed either. Only a couple songs and 2 podcasts


Please upload GTKD here on Patreon just as a mp3 file That would be so nice......


New on here... was just wondering how I can find all the GTKTD in numerical order? Thanks for any help anyone can give me..


Nikki nix, I'm sorry this is probably off topic but I think it was a suggestion in the comments of that chapter that brought me to deadbug as well!!! I know I went back and thanked the commenter (at the time the profile picture was of a blonde chick) for turning me on to the channel and I would love to reiterate that thank you again but I can't remember what video it was on to save my life! By any chance do you remember? It's got to be the same commenter that brought you here that brought me here. I mean it's not everyday you see comments in that chapter suggesting deadbug. (No offence dead bug) I remember the comment saying something like a YouTuber dead bug says covered this as well blah blah blah he's not for everyone if you don't like his stuff just keep scrolling no need to be negative and gave a warning upon the lines of it's not for the faint-hearted or easily offended. it's so funny cuz it was the warning that sealed the deal for me... I was on this search for this deadbug says guy LOL


I wish i knew! but I've been on the patreon here for almmoosstt a year and lately I can't seem to remember what I did last week. Lol But I used to post deadbug every whereeee. Now I try to only do it in places that won't attract shit troll. But if you find who it was thank then for me as well!