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Here is the final part of my Psychiatric abuse series, I have tried this as a sound only file because it is 40min long, let me know how it works.





I agree Jeffry, I listen to it over and over again as well! I hope he does more like this! I bet if HBO or Netflix picked it up and hired DeadBug to make it into a film it would be the biggest hit!! Thanks for sharing your crazy ass adventures brother, tell And-man we all said hi lol.


Awesome. That was a phenomenal listen. Wife got home from work in the middle and started talking...”shhhhhh, episode 4!” She grabbed a chair and sat with me til the end. She’s hooked. Keep this up man and the LEGION will tear snoozetube 🖕👈 to pcs. Fuck ‘em


Good shit DB


That was amazing!! You took down that crooked piece of shit, you're my fucking hero man! Is that the doctors real name? I tried Google but couldn't find anything. Just became a Patreon because I didn't want to wait for part 4 to be uploaded to YouTube. Love you DB!


Thank you, yeah that's his real name, it's funny how we google things and always expect to find things (me included) but I can generally find nothing pre 2006, remember news is disposable and this is 1994 or 95 which is ancient, some things I did were front page news and I can't find anything on it, almost like it never happened. Also these cases seem huge because I'm relating it first hand experience but is it that big? not in the general day to day corruption of the world.


Of course! I've been subbed to you for 2 years on youtube, but since youtube is being a little bitch about everything I came here. You're the only creator I've ever given money to cause you are an actual creator and you're so talented. Most people on YT now just copy what others do or react to shit and ask for likes. I promise if I ever turn into a criminal I'll steal an Emmy out of some worthless celeb's house, etch your name into it and mail it to you.


Oh my God, your A team sounds like mine! They always seem to pull through in the end though God knows how.


Deadbug - I was on tour in 1989 and stopped for breakfast after a show one night in a horrible little town called "Lodi" - As i was paying my tab and about to leave, I noticed there was a broken down tour bus parked in the back of the restaurant, so i asked the barely legal hostess who it was .. She rolled her eyes and said "some band called "Pack of Seagulls" -- she glanced in their direction as she said their names, and when i looked over, i saw that they were all counting PENNIES and trying to come up with enough money to pay for their food .. I started to walk over to introduce myself, and offer to help pay, when one of them actually had the nerve to say "please dont ask for autographs or photos, we really need our privacy" .. LOL!! I waded up a $20 bill and threw it on the table saying "it's a shame that im nobody and my career is golden, while you guys are fighting over pennies - i would never be caught dead in a photo with any of you, i just felt like it was my duty to help a fellow musician who's career is over"


Holy shit, THX be to Jay the nurse, he saved u from BRAIN- DEADBUG !!!!


Great story, DB! I have a friend that's a Male nurse and one day we were sitting in his car outside the hospital where he worked shortly before noon. He pointed out the time and said, "Watch this..." All of a sudden several cars pulled up and out jumps these well dressed guys all carrying bags of food from various take out restaurants like Chili's and TGI Fridays. As soon as they noticed each other they literally broke into a full out run toward the hospital, obviously trying to be first through the door. I said "WTF is going on?!" and my friend said that they were pharmaceutical reps from drug mfg's and they regularly bring "gifts" for the doctors- food, pens/notepads w/ drug's names printed on them, stress balls, movie tickets, etc. in exchange for the doctor writing prescriptions for whatever expensive drug the reps were pushing, when the Dr. could write the script for a generic and save the patients tons of money. It was seriously one of the most f'd up things I've ever seen and he says it happens all the time. I know of a few MDs that have been sent to prison for selling prescriptions for cash and they were all millionaires by the time they got caught. Im glad you made it out of there before they fried your brains!


I have listened to this one over and over again it never gets old