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This is the place to be! Expect to come across a few glitches when you start out, any questions please ask here and you will receive the kind help from other LEGION members because I am useless but secondly Im not a PATRON so I can't see or experience the problems you are having. 

I hope everybody enjoys being here and thank you for supporting what I do!




Happy to have you all here!


Welcome to the party !!


Welcome ya filthy animals! Let the hazing begin!


Hello everyone! Noob here :) glad to be apart of the legion. May need some help in the future. First time using patreon but love deadbug and cant stand the shit YouTube is doing so had to pitch in. Much love to you all.


I can't turn down a great party ;) thank you for the welcome.


Welcome newbies! (L)


Welcome to the Legion.


Hi and welcome to the dark side


Welcome to all. Welcome to the greatest place ever with the best people ever!!! LEGION FOREVER!!!😎🤗💕


Hello all, became a Patron last night. Relatively new to DB tbh. Found one of you bad ass mofos talking about him on another channel and another person simply pointing out how “vulgar it it was”. Shit, that’s my jam! Did the search and found my new home. The only thing I see missing is a sweet ass lounge with beer for us all to hang in...but at least we have each other here! Glad to be a part of the LEGION🤘🤘


Welcome new Patrons! Sorry it’s a little late. Had a hectic summer driving and working all over Europe. Finally got my normal life back til next year!