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Well, after taking a week, I just found out my channel strike appeal was rejected for ""TALKING WITH THE DEAD" a Q&A videos where saying Criminally fisted talks like a retard and Cayigh what ever the fuckher name is should just go away if she is depressed, So I had to go take down about 20 films that made criticism of other channels (ALL ZIPLOCKED and GTKTD, it seems like PEWDIEPIE is able to spend 5 minutes brutally making lewd comments on other creators but me well I guess it is one rule for them and one for me. 

I can't tell you I am not disappointed because this strike leaves me vulnerable, doesn't really make me feel like posting I really feel like "Hey fuck you!" No YT union is gonna bring these guys down, Im not a creator I mean nothing to them and at the end of the day you guys mean nothing to them, that was just a big fuck you and this leaves my channel very vulnerable.




That’s rough, was hoping for better news. I’m sorry that your channel is suffering because YT have decided you are target of the month. So true what you say about the bigger/more mainstream channels getting away with so much more, and it’s totally backward that true artists and creators with something interesting to say are covered up and pushed out. I’m know your fans will follow you wherever you decide to go, if it means leaving YT for a platform that is more deserving, more supportive, hopefully more lucrative too. Your work is too good to be slept on, targeted, taken down... I really hope you find a way to get your stuff out in a way where you’re taken seriously. All in all though, their strike is bullshit, don’t let it stop you doing what you are so great at. You have my support wherever u go...


The only suggestion I have is this — You could maybe consider locking your stuff behind much higher Patreon tiers until you have more subscribers? I know some other true crime podcasters do that. Obviously, there’s a debate to be had about younger generations not being used to paying for content but I’m long winded enough so I’ll leave that be. I don’t have anything more constructive to offer than that. I hope this post finds you feeling a bit better and I hope you can find a way to create and post your work without all of this bullshit hassle. xx


That sucks. Youtube is going to go the way Myspace did if they keep it up.


I actually have been on Bitchute more than I am on Yt lately, its inspiring me to make my own commentary videos. I just watched your video on Migration in Sweden, I hope you can at least upload on Bitchute one day, but take your time, my dude :D


I hope everyone here go and sign up for Bitchute to watch Deadbug's videos. it's 100x the freedom over there than shitty YT.


DB, there are more people that want you here than people that don't, and your paying customers I know have to mean more to you than the ones paying with their dick suckers... Please man... Don't even say that shit about leaving. You should say, the people who pay to be here want you here so bad, you'll just leave the trolls out of every post, every conversation, every podcast, and every second of your day, so you can do what you're good at in peace... Because those asswipes... They ain't ever gonna go away bro... But the best way to shut them up is to do what you did to begin with... Delete their comment, block them, and focus on the ones that love you... That glass half empty outlook they're trying to force on you... Man... Please don't let that shit change who you are bro. You being you, is what has got you your patrons, and what has given you the high praise you're goddamn well worthy of... So please bro... Find some way to keep your nose in the clouds, your face to the sunshine, and your path free to be the you that you love... The you that we love... And stay strong, my friend. We love the shit outta you DB!!!! Try to remember that when you feel the sting of a slap. (L)


Thanks Dane, I feel the same way, but have a difficult time putting it in writing. DB already has 200 Patrons supporting him, and I'm sure there are more out there that will join soon.


Hey VM! Thanks. I'm just getting exhausted with worrying when he's just gonna throw his hands in the air and walk off... He doesn't deserve that hassle, and we, the REAL Legion, don't deserve the tears or anger that will follow


HI DB HI legion WELL what can you say but . FUCK . THIS IS SO WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS . well i think LANE DK put it in to better words than i could . must feel like a kick in the teeth . i hope that the legion dose not lose you to the ABYSS our brother .go set something on fire or shout from the rooftops shit through some assholes letterbox that always makes me feel better . sending all the good vibes i have your way DB . LOVE FROM NORTH LONDON SON .MATT M .


Hang tough DB. My other fascination on YT is watching people eat things. That community is also getting picked on by YT.


HERE'S THE ANSWER TO ALL OF OUR PROBLEMS: . . . . . . . Deadbug, I hope people will understand that this is a "business" you've started, and that you need finances to be able to do it on this kind of level. Since we know that your first need is continued, (and growing), financial support, we have taken measures to help grow the channel, get new subs and new patreons, and you said you even got hit by the "tip jar" a few times here and there! We know that the channel is not monetized, and that you have no sponsors yet. You don't work a day job, and you are not independently wealthy. So, every moment you spend creating for us, is time that you need to be paid so that you can make your monthly nut to cover your living expenses, and not end up losing everything. I was reminded that you took out a loan to start this channel, too. . Right now, we can't really do very much about what's going on with YouTube, except to bend over and give them our asses until we are powerful enough in numbers and finances, to get them off our backs, or go somewhere else. LEGION is growing! Patreon family is growing! I really do believe we can make things work! We just gotta stay strong, dont let the haters win, and treat this like a "BUSINESS" cuz it is. And we love you!


And that's what it is. Beautifully put. (D)




I'm pissed that YT picks and chooses what they think is okay for you to say. Why do others get the freedoms you do not. If you have time tell me what I can do to help, like specific things that should be brought up to YT.' You have the only channel worth watching.