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I wanted to first thank everyone who came out onto that cesspool that some call YT last night to support my dropping my KILLING THE MENENDEZ BROTHERS joint on the masses, for me that is in the top 3 films that I have done. Im gonna be honest I was reticent on whether I wanted to release it and maybe just keep it here but a few of you (you know who you are) told me to drop it or else the trolls win and I send a message to them that they win. I have to say releasing The Menendez Brothers only on PATREON on Saturday was the happiest I have been in a while, it reminded me when I do a new TV SERIES, I never watch my shit on T.V, I have a friends over, get in the beers and order a pizza, no bullshit, just friends and that is why Im more convinced this is the only place I want to release. Very telling I suppose that I had about 24 dislikes after only 10 minutes, seems they were all waiting with their knives out. The Bizarre thing is when I woke up this morning there was only 12 dislikes? WTF, how does that happen?

Some of you may have come across that nasty troll saying they would bring the channel down and I hope you all reported it, when I woke up this morning Cindy P’s post were gone, did he/she delete them? Seems unlikely but I checked her channel is still there. A few people have suggested that it was Rob Dyke trolling as the email was so pro Rob Dyke, although Im really not sure because Saturday is 24 piece bucket night at KFC and it is hard to believe id tack president over arguing with the counter staff of why the coleslaw portions seem to be getting smaller. Although saying that I read a post from someone who said they worked with Rob and he has about 20 proxy accounts where he goes around commenting on anything to do with himself and flagging other creators films that he films may be treading on his toes and I do know Dyke did receive some major abuse in the last couple of months as 2 of his stories were ones that I also just did. He must have a great moderator or a team of them because any negative shit on his page disappears instantly, oddly enough because the messages I get are generally pretty hate filled they all get caught on YT’s comments filter. None of this surprises from a person who Brags he has a team of writers, I can promise you, generally only big VERY BIG shows have teams of writers, shitty YT channels that copy and past off Reedit don’t have teams of writers LOL, that would be nice but even when I was writing THE HILLS and killing myself doing it, I was told because of budget I could only hire one other writer and it had to be a junior writer….so what’s the fucking point? So the mystery is out, who the hateful troll is. I was pretty angry and told YT that these are the people they need to be checking out as the ones flagging me. Let’s see if the do anything, part of me thinks they let it happen.  

Im not sure any of you have observed but my last few Joints have been very clean, mainstream releases, very little if any swearing, fewer retard reference (if any) which is hard LOL. LOCKERBEE, Ted Bundy, Ramirez, all could have been on NETFLIX, the reason being for this is to annoy the trolls even more, not give them the ammunition they need , I had a message the other day that said after 20 years of watching documentaries this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen and what I am doing with LOCKERBEE and Menendez is shaming these people because yes you can say that about my stranger off the wall joints but when you say to something like LOCKERBEE….well your just showcasing you are a sad bitter person decrying another abilities and success. But also for people like EXPERIMENT 53 who I no longer support because I don’t like to be blatantly copied and then them play stupid I up the game so much they just have to stay in there hole but also when YT come sniffing around I’m not an embarrassment to there platform like the old fashion slide shows that fit in with Criminally fisted and the Dykes of the world.

All this leads me to the point I’m making is, I have removed my film on The Twitter Killer on YT because YT has taken it down multiple times and I don’t want in this current climate to be the cause of another strike because it doesn’t even represent the work I’m doing now, so I have changed some things and re upping it, Im trying to find away of uploading it to YT without people noticing. But I’m posting it here for all ties to view as a thank you for having my back but also welcoming new tiers!



The Twitter Killer



Yeah but DB it's the fact you're unfiltered that also brought all of US here. I mean, I get it, being smart, kind of toeing the line, bringing a bigger gathering here. Because we all know it's just a matter of time and YT will be but a thing of the past. But it's that fire, that sass, and funny way of putting things that sets you apart. BTW looking forward to the next podcast that last ending has me dying for the rest man!!! (D)


Yeah. Did I miss something?


Don’t let the bastards grind you down instead stick it to them! It feels so good when you stick the knife in first, YT and all the tasteless, boring trolls (whomever they may be) will see you having the last laugh! Keep up the good work honey 💋


no, part to is going to be sunday, I think you''ll like it.... carrying on from when I was drugged and locked up


Yeah...you definitely built anticipation up. Can't wait!


It felt especially sweet last night as Menendez was maybe the best thing I have done and the fact I got 14 dislikes in the first 5 minutes.


Im just trying to figure how to fit it all in, it was such a horrible fucking experience I dont even enjoy talking about it and here I am doing a fucking podcast on it.


I mean, did they shock you? I really want to hear the end of that!


Sometimes chasing the cat gets you to some awesome tail.. meow


Haha you'll have to listen to the podcast this weekend but lets just say it rates as one of my worst life experiences.


Nice real Nice..DEADBUG..💀..I’m really glad that I’ve joined the Legion and joined your Patreon! Bravo DEADBUG..💀👏💀..


Remember how when Elvis first broke through, Frank Sinatra said he was a pile of wank and wouldn’t last? Guess Elvis had the last laugh when ol blue eyes was on his knees begging for Elvis to waggle his hips (and more!) on his tv show. In this scenario, you’re young Elvis and the trolls are ol’ outta touch Frank!


I prefer a Man who knows what to do with his mouth 😝


Huh. I think I remember Rob Dyke/Gavagan. His channel went to shit ages ago because he stopped posting. Someone I know was a Patreon of his briefly, and they noted that Dyke kept promising a horror video game on top of videos... but never delivered either.


Yeah I've seen allot of broken promises postings , Voicing PS4 Game Of Thrones, Writing a Hollywood script for big budget film...... oh and the list goes on and on.


Thanks for being one of the few that didn't make promises that you wouldn't keep. You're one of the few good ones for being honest and transparent. Oh, look! A testimonial quote to steal! ;P


As Deadbug says... Instead of chasing the cat, take away its plate...😆(L)


Take the plate,cat finds another all you eat diner 😝


The videos don’t play on the app? Sorry, anyone know how to get them working


?? You're not showing up in my feed much, anymore. I'll have to go stalk your channel.. ;)




Nice joint bish, really good....


Try going through a browser this happens alot. If you get a notification in your email follow it from there. Hope that helps


Deadbug - I was actually excited to hear that you were not going to post it on YouTube! It felt like we had V.I.P. status, and got to see and hear things that no one else does, unless they join! If I was wasn't a member yet, and saw that there were things going on in here that you can *only see or hear if you become a patreon* - i would immediately run out and give four 25-cent blow jobs to get that fucking money, if I had to! Letting others see that we have a "private, members only" thing going on, where you can *only* get it if you join, was very good business sense on your part! It's fun getting to help you succeed! LEGION FOREVER!