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Vanessa pointed this out to me yesterday and I reported it to YT, I saw this person in several other of my comments sections taunting people. It's upsetting that YT seems to think this is okay, people who use the flagging system as part of their game.




Wow... This is crazier than the Super Handicapped Pro Wrestling Champion after 'bout 37 piledrivers on concrete (L)


It is what it is, I reported it to YT and asked them if they thought this was okay? If someone said this to you on the street you could have them arrested yet YT permits these people to abuse there system, basically this woman would have went and flagged several of my videos to punish people who enjoy what I do. She was commenting on several of my videos mocking peoples comments. For me it just makes me feel vulnerable, I already have a strike. It makes me agree because this woman isnt concerned about racism , she is enjoying taunting people.


I think it would be so much better to first block them then all Legion go report them we can do it instead of commenting back!!!


Can I get a link to them I won't say anything I'll report them.. it's in there we can do it for someone else!!


Actually I never thought of that Tabby, that is an awesome idea.


I deleted it already yesterday but then just noticed this in my troll filter, she must have messaged twice.


I think it's actually against terms of service on YouTube, to threaten to have a channel taken down...


Thanks Deadbug!! Thinking cap on.... Crooked but on LoL


No prob next time it's much better than ganging up on them just report their troll ass!!!


Really DB... I think it's against terms of service on YouTube to threaten to have a channel terminated... Yea, you can report any video you think has violated a rule/rules... But I don't think you can just threaten to have their channel terminated for the fuck of it...


..Damn DEADBUG ..💀..WTF..🖕that’s what I think of Youtube..LMFAO..LEGION FOREVER..♿️💀🖕♿️..


I have a admit I know we can do it for because I have reported some of fat Bob's comments 😂 for a friend of course 😂


So YT works a lot like an 80's high school faculty who encourage bullying?


Thanks V&R sometimes the light is on💡💡💡 LoL


Lol... I get my inspiration from this cool dood that used to post on YooToobz... Maybe you heard of him, his name's DigDug... Or Head Tug... No... Deadbug... Yea that's him... Dood is cool af.😆


What in the actual fuck?! Whoever that was sucks major ass!


And YouTube condones this behavior?!?! Makes you want to vomit!!!


If we report them for being bullies in the comments, then maybe it'll be preemptive attack.


A while back I was watching 80's teen flicks with my nephew and his friends and they turned to me and said, "Were kids and teachers really that mean?" And I was all, "Guys, that shit there is tame." They just couldn't believe it. Nowadays kids are so much nicer to each other it's kind of amazing.


Remember to screenshot the threat or nasty comment. You can always respond with kindness, that kills them more than arguing with them.


They'll never know who reported them just like Deadbug doesn't know who flagged him if enough of us do it their channel fake or not will get banned


At my grade school the students ( if you can call them that) actually had fist fights with the teachers.. weekly event .. we actually made sub teachers quit after 2 hours at the most..


Do they need to know who reported them in order to create a preemptive attack so Deadbug's channel doesn't get dinged by people that are offended by a sense of humour? I am, of course, referring to flagging the comments like the one above, as being abusive towards us, the community. Not doing anything to their channel, just flagging their comments.


WHAT that's the most stupid thing I have ever read over here . 🇬🇧😎


For a person that reports racism she sure acts like a Nazi


Armchair detective is the WORST... and his followers are INSANE