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Im not really striking back, just was in a Star Wars state of mind and I'm having a shit week.



The Strike Back



And you singing....I'ma die over here.


Well looking at it after I thought about it for a minute.....Criminally Fisted,excuse me,criminally listed has a facebook page and it looks like he updated it....last Sep....geeze you have to keep up with it,but I think (at a guess) if you made a tame YT channel and hooked it up to a FB page spent a bit to promote the videos and you might be able to do something to make some cash,like say instead of TV try to make a YT approved thing to make some cash and keep the crime stuff as a side hobby/patreon thing and just work at your own pace,maybe because I don't know you that well but offering a hand of free info.


I hear ya, but I cant do it, if you were having a beer with me, you'd see this is how I talk, this is me and everything I have done has this personality, I cant change it , I put me into what I do and once I dont do it, its not fun.


I was at a stoplight with the top down when... DANDO. And 3 of my more well heeled customers were in the hummer beside me. Oh, yeah... gonna be a good day at work


DB what ever happens just know the the true LEGION will be with you and we don't want you to change anything. Just be YOURSELF and if anyone has a problem with that , fuck em.


I dunno DB. Only you can make the decision about what you produce ... but if you're going to produce for the snowflake / SJW crowd, you might as well go to TV and make insane amounts of money rather than depend on monetization. And there arent enough hours in the week to do both. I'm thrilled that new members joined this week. I just wish there were more of us.


Oh look 9 more Patrons...awesome legion...we are growing ..atleast this is picking up steam DB..we are on your side and support your decisions no matter what ❤


Btw..if your fake then it's not nearly as effective as true crime..we except facts and you always give facts about yourself and the cases..that's what sets you apart from the lame channels that pander to the masses ..we actually get to talk to you instead of just being another sub..we are part of the team..you dont get that on other true crime channels..besides being something/someone your not is exhausting..


Thanks for the shout out. Here’s an idea; what if you reach out to Nightmare Files or anyone else you’ve collaborated with who YT consider ‘creators’ and ask them to contact YT on your behalf. Ask them why they don’t consider you a ‘creator’ despite you not using copyrighted material and creating original content? Just a thought but YT might fucking penalise them for even asking.


That was the funniest fucking pod I've heard since your "gay experience" story! I think the legion needs to be involved in a large scale, comedy musical version of Dando - surely that's what crowdfunding is all about!???


Hey DB, went to find you on Instagram and noticed your account is private. Maybe you should consider making it public and posting clips and pics from your documentaries . You could probley direct a lot of traffic to your YouTube channel. IG is a great outlet. If you dont have time for maybe find some you trust to run it and hashtag the crap out of all your post. I have over 4000 followers and dont post or get to it as often as I like. I can absolutely see your page getting lots of traffic. Just an idea for you...


Yeah , my only problem is it has some personal pics on it and to be honest im a bit wary I get harassed enough, maybe I should start a second account


Everyone get harassed. But you have some great visuals and trailers that could be posted...even the songs you use are great. TickTok is also another outlet...both are free and well trafficked. IG is great..people like pictures...not to sound like a weirdo but I scroll through crime pics alot..love horror clips, and horror memes...I mean you could go crazy...using up those insomniac nights..lol


I'm glad I'm getting to know you better bro


I can understand that my friend,well I'll keep racking my brain and see if I come up with any other plans for world conquest for ye,keep at it and don't let the bastards get ya down.