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This is I guess my work in the purest form, what I would consider cut 1 that I would present to the bosses. I would clean this up before I posted it on YT but sometimes there is beauty in what is unpolished, before I think too much. I think this is one of my more solum pieces of work, I guess because Im hurt, being given a strike for harassment and bullying really is for me the ultimate, but on the other hand maybe not all things have to be joke ridden and should reflect different mind sets, like songs I guess.

Let me know what you think of this, I feel bad posting only here but I felt I had no choice, I wonder if the trolls now think they are winning. Some of you who have just joined may have problems seeing this, all newbies do, Tabby Cat and our other veteran Patrons are here to ask, I am going to bed.

Thank you everybody for being here because it is better than there!






Wow. Superb production quality DB. Great vid, great music. I def came away with a diff opinion about these brothers afterwards.


The video link doesn’t work??


Hi Joshua and welcome, tabby Catt can help you with this people always have problems when they sign up, we will sort it.


Thank you bud. Love your channel.


Audio visual gem! Very informative. Sad an entire family was destroyed by the perverted father. Although the brothers were victims and deserve to be paroled, it sounds like Lyle became a predator himself.


The Mother was probably the most Fucked up of the four, imo. Thanks for another emotionally stirring documentary, DeadBug.


Godamnit I love the intro song...


Sorry to say ... but if the accusations were true. They deserved it .


Superb but it was a justified homicide


Without the usual humour, this one comes across as very grim and more emotional. Poor bastards never had a chance. I guess money don't bring happiness if the money belongs to a sadistic tyrannical pervert.


Have you guys seen all the girls on TickTock all the little teeny bopper girls who aren’t even alive when this crime happened drooling over Eric and Lyle? 😂I mean don’t get me wrong I think Eric is hot but don’t these little girls realize that the dude is in his 50s now? I do think the brothers should be let go though. Jose was a pig and the wife stood by and let her sons be abused. Not cool Kitty.


This one hits me right in the feels every time. Now, if this case were being tried now, how different would the outcome be? Polar opposite.


FIRST: Excellent Joint!! I agree it would be very different, the sad part is it wouldn’t be very different on behalf of Eric and Kyle it be very different because of a bunch of SJW bullshit. I mean sure that might work out for Eric and Kyle or the Eric and Kyle’s of the world but it still makes for no change, not real change so frustrating. I wonder if there’s enough of the SJW bullshit to get Eric and Kyle some kind of retro golden years release program? They’ve done it for some truly sick fucks. There’s no way that they deserve to be in prison the rest of their lives; they already did their prison time with a toothbrush up their fucking ass!