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Anyone who hasn't sent feedback yet Lane wrote an awesome post in the community section!! Just a few tips if anyone needs help, thanks Lane!!!


Ok I have said my 2 cents to YouTube 😤 but I am now a patron as well it's what I can afford atm till times are a little better hope it helps!


Any time DeadBug I love you content and glad I can do something. I know I will Tabby Cat I am glad I could finally get it done this month 🤗❤




New patreon..my wife emailed..fed up with YouTube's shit every week..hello legion


Thank you I'm a long time fan and appreciate all your hardwork. This is where the good stuff is I'll be uping as I go ..thank you again for your work


Emailed a strongly worded yet professionally written email to those fucktards at YT. My yt name is I am the liquor


Thank you very much and glad to have you here, yeah YT are letting one flag content without even checking there motives which I'm sure if they did they'd see people who have an unusual interest in my channel and not pure of heart.


Hey Peter, you always support me here and over on YT, and I think you, I feel bad about not posting tonight on YT and it is almost like letting the trolls win but I really need people to know this effects us all and to kick on YTUBES door.


Welcome to the club! From Liverpool UK but currently working in Budapest Hungary


Nice, I love Liverpool, one of my favourite Cities, some beautiful woman there.... a bit rough but beautiful never the less!


Well if everybody who wrote in the comments does actually follow thru with their promise to email then i think YT will be apologising really soon! Fight the fight brother


Yep some fine women there but i live near Blackpool now, when I finally get home next week before another 4 weeks working in Europe


Lets hope, I wrote them and said, Im a directer who has credits for the BBC yet you treat me like pond life.


Hopefully if there is enough correctly worded feedback sent then surely YT will have no option than to step down.


Yeah, although it really is tough to know what goes on in there mind, last week they reinstated my video without even telling me or saying "hey we made a mistake.


Does that surprise you? They will never admit to making a mistake. Instead of flagging channels for the same stuff the huge channels do, they should just let you do what you do best. Create quality content that we all enjoy


DEADBUG and Legion, check out this episode of "The Onion News" https://www.youtube.com/watchv=vhKuqGyFqh8 It's been up for more than 5 yrs, it has more than 5 Million views, and somehow YouTube has no problem with it at all - WTF?! (just copy & paste the link)


Wow!! Just wow! How the fuck are YT fine with that but not DB


Came in to see who else sent in emails and DAMN Legion is United!!! This is really something special!!


Deadbug, I say ONLY post teasers for your vids on YouTube directing people to Patreon. At least go a month or so. Then watch your Patreon numbers climb! You've got nothing to lose but lots to gain.


Yeah I here yah, but I am a bit worried about doing that, I get PAYPAL revenue as well that I need to survive.


I don't mean to tell you how to run your channels so it's kind of 'take it or leave it' kind of advice and I won't be offended either way. I know you've been putting some Patreon only content on YouTube as teasers like GTKTD, but how about this - take the best part of one of your stories and post it as a 10 minute preview making it very clear in the video that this is Patreon exclusive content, if you want to know the rest of the story, go to Patreon.com/deadbug, for example. Another thing you could do are those awesome trailers, give the title and end with Only On Patreon. I think that's what you need to use YT for from now on. If half of the viewership come over to Patreon, you're going to be rolling in the cash! As the Joker in the Dark Knight says "If you're good at something, don't do it for free" or some such shit.


I think your right, its just having the balls to follow through.


Sorry, if it seems like I'm spamming, just really wanted to get your attention with this because I think it could help you out brotha.


Listen, you're an old friend to the channel so I know you are looking out for me, I'm just really in a state of shock at the moment, Harassment....bullying.....if youtube can get me on that, what chance do I have, I spent 2 hours yesterday putting videos on private.


Fuck, that's tough, man - I hear ya. But always remember that the overwhelming majority of this community has your back 1000%! And it's​ not a small community!


Yeah its like chasing the wind, someone is watching everyone of my uploads and looking for something to report, someone hates me but is reporting something 15 minutes into the video and flagging it, and youtube doesn't see that as a problem, wow im shocked and when i post a video about the strike the hate I get is unbelievable, where do these ill people come from, and im not even classified as a creator by YT I can't even talk to someone real like I could at least do on my last channel.


How can you not be classified as a creator?! Just because they don't endorse your content? Fuckers. In 2 years YT will be dead. The guitar channels I follow are getting constant strikes and takedowns and de-monetised because of copyright ... IN FUCKING GUITAR LESSON VIDEOS!!! And there's no one for them to appeal to. One poor guy, Dave Simpson, a guy starts all of his videos with some improv and he got a strike because apparently a 3 chord progression he improved sounded a bit like a song he'd never heard by a band he'd never heard of. And it was a piano-led​ song!


I love those guitar videos, they want to become NETFLIX, they don't want the amateur content, they want to gone but they cant just take it down they nee to cut off the head of the dog. Criminally fisted, Dyke they will all be gone, they are the amateur face of a platform that is long gone. They are letting the trolls gather up the videos for them and all YT has to do is flick the switch!


Do you think they'll come after the transgender makeup tutorials too? Those sacred cows?


I think they will eventually, when the audience is gone they will leave on there own, its like fleas, take away the cat and they can only live a week or two, human blood won't do. Rob Dyke knows its over that's why he is falling apart, cause what's he gonna do? Criminally Fisted, he's too stupid, too self absorbed, sits around making shit on his phone, as long as he can buy a bag of weed each week hell be fine, when his channel goes down they'll find his bloated corpse a year later with his cat eaten half his face. YT are clearing house and they dont have to do a thing. Trolls are doing it for them, everyone will leave, why do you think they are hounding you to pay for PREMIUM YT, do you think that is for Criminallyy fisted, are people gonna pay real money for shit like that? No fucking way, when forced to pay they will walk. Jim cant swim probably posts now on patreon because he cant legally use his shit, I strike him twice last year because he uploaded two of my videos .


HAHA, your Criminally Fisted prediction made me spit my coffee! Jim Can't Swim's been a naughty boy. Should be forced to change his channel name to Jim Can't Create Original Content - theivin' fuck.


I didn't take a Psych course for 4 years without learning how to get a pulse on the human condition, that stuff with Criminally fisted is gold, when I say what he looked like, I could have actually drawn a composite drawing of him before hand...spot on. maybe thats why im hated and loved in equal measures. Yeah Ol Jim put my films in the body of other work hoping to hide it and then when I flagged them he had all his fames come after me and flag my stuff, sent me a nasty as fuck email saying what the fuck do i care if he uses my stuff im a big television director, I just fucking laughed and said dude if you think im a big televise director your more stupid then I first though, that was the last i heard of him.


Haha Mr RF Jim can't swim used to be okay now I look at a new video 4 maybe 3mins and as of the last one I unsubscribed


I had no idea his flunkies were after you as well Deadbug WTF now I'm super glad I unsubscribed I didn't read your comment till after... SMH I am going to go there just to be a bitch now

