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Youtubes New Purge of Independent Voices (Join My Bitchute!)

Can I criticize foreign governments? The age of political candidates? Will Eminem be banned for his slurs? Website: https://tarlwarwick.net Merch: https://tarlwarwick.net/collections/all Support via donation: Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/y2jothtp Subscribestar: https://tinyurl.com/yyxov782 My books: Blogger: https://tinyurl.com/y3tww3om Wordpress: https://tinyurl.com/y54kofgl My other platforms: Twitter: https://tinyurl.com/yyle5u6s Gab: https://tinyurl.com/y2rctakd Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/yy2m86dl Minds: https://tinyurl.com/y3ytf6ut Bitchute: https://tinyurl.com/y55lzhlz Dailymotion: https://tinyurl.com/y6bd35nc #Youtube #Youtubepurge



I downloaded Bitchute but can't find you over there


Let me know if you figure it out, Stef. Maybe DB can provide a link, like Tabby asked earlier.


I will!☺


Does this have anything to do with the Carlos Maza / Steven Crowder feud on youtube? And what happened to James' birthday shout out? Did he say something against the rules?


Styxhexenhammer666 is watchable as long as he keeps his shirt on


He’s saying their new policies are specifically against independent content creators


This has been happening well before Crowder vs the lispy latin vox queer. Anything conservative, gun related, or offensive to someone is getting caught up in it. I'm glad youre getting on another platform. Also this guy looks and sounds like weird al. I can't make an account, must be a lot going on at bitchute. I'll see you later on there.


YouTube is trying to get rid of all conservatives. Total bullshit!


The birthday shoutout was on Lens. Footage disappears on the app after 24 hours.


Carlos the Clown. He literally threw a fit and YT caved. But you are right, they've been doing this for a while now.


Some people think they can do all these ridiculous things, make crazy claims and everyone should tolerate them. Then those same people will try and destroy any one else for having an opinion. That's what free speech is now. It's free for them but no one else. Its hard not to get a little worked up about it.


When they took down PJ Watson's channel, I was a little confused. I might not agree with 100% of the dude's politics, but I couldn't see what he said that was wrong. I thought, "am I really so out of touch with all this 'woke' shit?"


Hahahaa!!!! I actually really like him, but Ummm, like me, he could talk a starving dog off a meat wagon, lol! I'll see in my notifications that he uploaded 5 vids in a row sometimes, haha!! Gotta love his passion tho.


This is exactly related to that douche nozzle Maza. What a fucking BITCH. Straight panty waisted retard. Vox is garbage too. I'm so pissed off and sick of this shit, I can't even tell you. Ugh. At first, YT basically told him to suck it up fruit cake, and that's when he pulled the gay Latino minority, wahhh wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhh, he's a fucking broad. Worse, hell, I'm a girl, and I've never cried that hard, esp on Twatter, for everyone to see. Thick skin, my ass. I probably have thicker skin ON my ass. I think what he failed to mention is that the thick skin he speaks of, is on his vagina. I'd say balls, but I'd be willing to bet his are in his mother's purse. Or maybe HER ass. OK, I'm banning myself from commenting on this subject for the rest of the day, hahaha!!!!! I get too pissed off at bitches like him.


When your opinion or that of anyone else no longer matters it all ends badly...VERY badly.


Just keep us posted where we can find you DB. Whatever alternative platform you choose is where I will go. Not sure if they have plans to expand to politics or other interests but maybe Full30? Just a thought...


I'm late in this Convo but I am downloading Bitchute, waiting to hear more. Lol I feel like we are a caravan of Legion Gypsies, packing up to move to the next gig. Lol


Very interesting, the problem is that most people are stupid all they life.,...or don't give a shit about nothing else than them self....... ( not seeing the big picture... )