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Greetings Legion, I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!



Ep 28 0f PODCAST



should treat women properly like the last season of doctor who ...dont care the doc is a women ... i care they changed everything and it suck so much ...


I read something where they were talking about how people are now just trying to fit woman into everything just to say, hey we have a woman in it doing equal things, not even thinking if it is believable, its like they remade oceans 11 all with woman and the reviews were horrible because it just wasn't believable.


yeah, saw something like that also .. but as of doctor who they change the series to fit a more positive influence for women and turn the series as more of educational on women history also ... ( by the way i havent been here in a while and i have been sick ... the last 2 days i stayed in bed .. but got up around midnight tonight and its 4h now i dont really drink cafe also anymore im on my 3rd lol ) anyway ill leave you be at you stuff or at your stuff ( ill send you a last msg in Private with some info you grab it or not


Heyyy! Late to the party as usual!!! Lol!!! Sadeek Con is a pos. Lol, I couldn't type and listen, bc it kept closing so I'm trying to now remember what was talked about and what you asked... I watch a LOT of YT, so I catch a lot of politics, and then just entertaining nonsense along with true crime, but I watch a really good chnl called 'swilliamism' and he just basically goes around London, and surrounding areas talking about the downfall of London, lol! He's quite the character, but ill tell ya I learned a lot about the "elite" and just different stuff that's going on esp with the weird ass art you guys have there like the horse, or that weird evil brid, haha!!! Ohh, and that strange 2 heads together statue... Very odd. I'm curious what you think about the censorship going on over there? Are u nervous? I heard it went from Article 13? To 17? I'm not sure tho, I haven't looked deeply into it, I heard it in passing. For jobs, gahh, I've done a lot of different things. Tending bar, esp at an bike club owned and run after hours bar in an old mill. I made great money, and had a shit ton of fun. I would also work their bigger holiday parties and would have to hussle my ass off, but inside the bar it was members only and their wives, no had to pay for drinks at those parties, and I made a killing, bc they gave me what they'd ordinarily pay for drinks. That club left the area, it was a small charter and they just split up over the area to larger charters (Boston, and Providence). I miss those days! Now I work for a small Handmade Soap company owned by my aunt. It's just her and I, so it's nice. She can be picky, but I'm pretty laid back and I understand, it's her business, but then she wants perfect and fast and I'm very detail oriented so pick one, u want fast, cool, I can do that. You want perfect? Well, I can get close, but perfect AND fast, not so much. I'm not slow, I'm just not whipping shit around without a care either, lol! Can ya tell it frustrates me at times? Lol! Worse job, hands down, nursing homes. I did it for years in my late teens and early 20s, and never again. I switched to private care and it's much better. I actually preferred Hospice, being with someone who is in their last days bc of usually illness, is probably the most rewarding job I ever did. And peaceful. Alzhiemers is the worst. And, I'd never work in a nursing home again, ever. Great episode as usual! Hope you get your computer fixed soon! It's a bummer when shit breaks! I've been without my car for a week now... The accelerater keeps sticking, and that is the scariest fucking thing to ever have happen... Not being able to control the speed of your car, with the accelerater literally sticking as you accelerate, and it just keeps going,... Ughhhh, it's happened 4 times in the last 5 yrs and I'm lucky so far it happened when no one was in front of me, and it came unstuck rather quickly. And putting it in neutral did nothing but wind my engine. Now I'm being told to just shut it off, I'll never win against 350 horsepower engine, so kill the power to it. I just won't fucking drive it, and instead of fixing the stupid thing, I'm replacing the whole throttle body, which I had to order online bc they rape you at dealers, and I'm good. Lol! My car was only made for a couple yrs, bc it was ahead of its time, & they replaced it w that pos Prius electric homo car, Hahaa!!! Sorry if anyone drives one here, lol! So, wish me luck, I'm going crazy being home all day. Ive had to take the week off, too.. Grr! Take care,, Legion!


I was the assistant manager at an adult store called "The Pleasure Company" in Orange County, Irvine California for 5 years during the day, and my band played 5 nights a week at an upscale restaurant called "The Quiet Woman" in Newport Beach/Corona Del Mar. During the day, I sold everything from infantilism and sensory deprivation fetish devices, double ended cyber skin fuck-fists, to glow in the dark stripper shoes and wireless vibrating leather panties, and all the strangest points between. . . Since the store and warehouse was in an upper class professional area located near the airport and hotels, we got quite an interesting flow of traffic that was mixed with CEO's and pilots, illegal warehouse workers, and all the way down to desperately rich little cunty housewives. I was surprised to find that the young, cute, rich guys always came in and bought some of the most savage and painful items we sold, along with a cyber skin mold of Jenna Jamison's ass (or however you spell it) or something similar that was for solo sex-play - they would spend stupid amounts of money, and would return often (alone) for more and more. . .Then you'd have the snotty housewives coming in to buy the played-out "naughty nurse" or typical "sexy maid" outfits, new shoes, body glitter and female Cialis capsules and creams, to try to save their miserable marriages and sometimes to spice up their side-beef. . . . Whereas, the male Hispanic warehouse workers would only buy dick-numbing spray or cream to make them last longer, and the females would buy pussy oils that tasted good and got warm with stimulation. . . . The store was very discreetly located, so all the married men and women felt safe shopping there - HOWEVER!!! - those same people would come in to the restaurant where i played, and would be mortified to see ME UP THERE and **knowing** the shameful things they bought (for some reason, women were horrified by the thought of someone knowing they owned a clit tease vibrator, but could care fucking less if everyone knew she was having an affair!!) This all sort of started working in my favor tho, as i was also a home party rep and would take private orders on my breaks at the gigs, and made HUGE TIPS for keeping my mouth shut! - - - i liked working at The Pleasure Company because it was fun meeting strange people like "Barbie Boy" who was in his 60's, skinny as hell, wore hot-pants where his ass cheeks and one of his balls hung out thru his lace panties, and wore childish ankle socks with 90's style pumps and childrens style t-shirts with Barbie on them, and talked like an adolescent with a lisp - - - - or the speed freak with shark eyes that always came in with foam in the corners of his mouth and frantically rifling thru all the newest porn in the Granny/Tranny section. . I meet all kinds of people from all over the world at my gigs, and ive traveled to many other countries too, and i have to say that the strangest people ive met so far are: Anyone from "Walking Street" in Pattaya Thailand! and the so-called normal folk from California. . . . Ive had many really cool jobs, but i guess this one was one of the oddest.


You don't need to look further than captain Marvel, Ghostbusters 2016 (rightfully not called GB 3), or the new lady terminator to see where hollywood is headed


Hello Legion, I had lots of trouble getting the content to load yesterday. Kept saying "oops something went wrong, try back later". That went on all day, but luckily today everything is fine. As far as jobs go, I have to say that I loved being a Marine, the travel, the people, everything was an adventure. After that was over I went on to get an Electrical Engineering degree and I worked for Sony electronics as a manager. That was less enjoyable, but it paid the bills. DB keep doing what you do.


PS: My dream job would be Rob Dyke's professional trainer, I would never have to report to work.


Has anybody seen that new Ted Bundy film on Netflix?The acting was good, although they made Ted Bundy too much of a good guy. Not enough gore and I feel they left a lot of information out.


Hey I have been trying to get a comment to you,so good to see you here!!! If you have any questions how to navigate patreon I'd be happy to help 😘😘 hahaha Jeff you've been here a while Buckethead is new to the show LoL


My brain is on fire just thinking about that ahhhh need bleach lol 😊


I'm telling DB that for my birthday all I want is naked Rob Dyke on Tabbys birthday.


With Zac Efron? It really wasnt about what he did but how other people saw him and how he acted. Good movie though


Thats why I have been hesitant to watch it, they tried to make it quirky and im not really into that.


Ok, Past jobs huh, well when i left school my first job was for an intrduction agency, arranging dates etc, then i was a Legal Secretary, then Care Work (looking after disabled people), then i picked up dead bodies for the police, coroner, funeral homes etc, then specialist cleaning, crime scenes etc, then Bunnings (retail), then House cleaning. So yeah just a few lol.


Jeff if I see a naked Bob on my birthday I will hunt you down and tie you up and make you watch every single shitty video he has ever made on a replay.. tee hee hee


Thanks Tabby! i knew we'd find each other! Hey Jeff, careful what you wish for baby!


They also didnt make it very accurately. There were alot of things they got wrong. Zach Efron did better than I expected, but overall, waste of time.


Hey DB, this is GTKTD shows your best side. You should consider putting it on YT. Really enjoyed it


Yeah.... ah shit I don't know, Im in a foul mood today dude, feel pretty shit about youtube.


Hey DB this GTKTD is really good, cool , nice and relax time ... it is interesting and educative to know you, But please keep some things just for the Patreon...cos if I tell you my worst job I would not like it on YT.....