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What a shit week it has been, I hope everyone has a great Memorial day weekend and let's take time to remember those who fought for our freedom!

Sorry for the delay , I have been having issues with my computer, you will hear about it in PODCAST LOL.





I had not heard about Moby and Natalie Portman! But , in my opinion ,she is a snotty overrated brat. I did hear Moby said the CIA asked him to spread lies about Russia. I 100% believe him over her.


I totally believe it too, I have met so many of these girls who will do anything to get on to the next level and be seen where they need to be seen and when they move on they abandon people very easily, I sat next to a well known actress at a dinner party and I had given her , her first break in a music video, and she didn’t even make eye contact with me.... it was like I was invisible.


Wow, that is unbelievable! I would be ashamed of myself if I acted that way. Seriously. Be careful who you step on on your way up. My brother used to live in LA. I hate it.


if you need some question awnsered about computer ... or help that is what i do ! ( need help on new hardware .. to know what the buy and such .. ) i've started fixing computer at 12-13 and im going to be 38 soon ...


Hi everybody , thank's Deadbug for the welcome, and all you do ...


So that's where #4 or #5 went ... Tell you why you're suddenly invisible? Because chiqs tend to crack by 30. If they aren't proven talent by 30, they slither back into obscurity. And because women who are attracted to that career are willing to do anything to get to the top of the heap. For the most part. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule.


GTKTD is great.. that is exactly what I was hoping , knowing you better and having your opinion on the different subject that matter to you.... A good week to you Deadbug


Imagine being ashamed of what you chose to do with your body, it's 2019 ffs! If you fucked someone to help your career just admit it. For me personally you'd get far more respect just telling the truth! Do famous people think they're the only ones who have regrets abkut who they dropped their undies for!?? Damn, i got plenty and none were done to further a career!! As for smacking kids I'm in Oz and you're only allowed to smack below the waist and only with your hand. Man i got the wooden spoon from my ma too and if i pissed dad off well his thick leather belt made short work of my ass in many an occasion!!


Yeah in the U.S you can't snack your kid or you'll be in cuffs. Although you can kill a baby at 28 weeks while in the womb of a woman.


For a creepy old guy Natalie Portman sure was riding that old dick.


If you don't mind me asking, which video did you do for RHCP? :-)


I Produced and Directed several of there concerts including there on in London High Park and the films they used during the concert. John Frusciante is a friend of mine so I have worked on allot of his solo albums so Im friendly-ish with the band and fill in for them when needed.


Yeah funny how these actress's become all purer then now once they make it big.


I used to casually listen to Moby, like anyone else but I heard him on the Bret Easton Ellis podcast and he's an interesting dude. Then heard his Audiobook Porcelain and it was great. No doubt he fucked Portman, maybe she didn't consider them "dating" at the time. Dick move on her part to call him out publicly like that.


He is okay, i still like some of his music, he is a little bit too much of a pussy for me but I have met Natalie a few times and I know a few of the same people she does and apparently when she was in star wars she became unbearable. I have no doubt MOBY was fucking her, these woman in Hollywood climb the ladder then in the little world of illusion they live in they don't like to be reminded. Woman in Hollywood, are just woman, and when they want to be in the scene, they are not very difficult to fuck.


Man, that's so fucking cool! Live in Hyde Park is one of my favourite live albums and I know the sound of all the improvised solos just as well as I know the album ones. I was at one of the shows, it was over 2 weekends. I came back for the other ones and hung back outside the cordon where a sea of people were outside and singing along. Frusciante is my favourite musician and the reason I learned to play guitar. He released around 3-4 albums in around '04-05 but I really like The Empryean which came out in '08. So technically, I've been a fan of yours (indirectly) since way before the channel! :-D


I also watched Bizarre ER. Liked the style and couldn't put my finger on why. Then found out it was a Deadbug joint - makes perfect sense!


Yeah Bizarre E.R is my baby. Thats funny we would have both been at Hyde park at the same time. John is a friend , a great guy, very damaged. Funny thing is The Empryean I did a video for every song on thatand John did not want to release any of it, he just wanted it for friends. I can't remember when HighPark concert was now, 2004 I think..... Ive been doing this along time brother!


Absolutely. Politics also play a big part especially when they work for big corporations. I mean you've seen it first hand.


Moby definitely tapped that ass. It's basically protocol to deny it, which explains Natalie's PR response


No one was going to read mobys autobiography. Portman should have let it go.


Hey dead bug, you seen this stabbing in Japan? Another psycho killer? Easy peasy...


Yeah I was just looking at that and debating whether to cover it.


Damn, the least she could've done is give you a hand job under the table.


Right? These people with no formal manners, you can't take them anywhere😉