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One thing I always admired about Canada and the U.S is that anyone can make it and I have always thought that is why allot of English begrudge the States, because the words "Dream it and it can come true" really do apply, where in U.K, it is all down to who your family is and what school you went to. You only need to see Cara Delevingne roll her eyes through any given interview to know what I mean.


Cara Delevingne a model example of how a privileged few dominate our world - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

What a wake-up call it was this week to find out that the acting Establishment is disproportionately composed of privately educated individuals. Who'd have thought our beloved Cumberbatches, Redmaynes, Hiddlesworths and Winslets were not salt of the earth lads and lasses who'd come direct from the dark satanic mills of the ragged North to the glittering Bafta stage?



Sounds just like small town politics were I live backwards ass bs all about who u are


Well in the states if your family has enough money they can get you into the best college even if you're dumber than a box of cat litter..


Pretty sad when you get into college for the rowing team and you don't even row... Took long enough to figure it out,now we'll have to see what happens with these money bags


Reminds me of that guy Ethan Couch who killed 4 people while driving drunk but guess what, he wouldn’t serve any jailtime for it, because he had rich parents. They ruled it was Affluenza, which basically means he can’t be charged like ordinary folks because of his privileged upbringing. It’s a mad world.


Oh don’t remind me of that MF’er. What a piece of shit. There are so many examples of that in this country it’s ridiculous. Celebrities that have actually killed other people never serve jail time, and we’re just supposed to forget about it.


'Murica! Lol! Just kidding! It's my home.


Remember the time cara dropped the bag of cocaine in front of the press!?!! And...........crickets. Her undeserved career just went on careening towards however she is gonna end.


I remember that, she is a good looking girl but she treats her success like a joke because she didn't earn it, she just showed up.


My grandpa always told me how lucky we were to be born here, and how I should work hard, and appreciate our good fortune. I am really sad for people that can work as hard as they want, and they still dont have a chance. How frustrating and demoralising would that be?


He went to prison though finally, for violating probation. His mom went too😊


Exactly. Thats why kids who grow up very rich and spoiled end up unhappy alot. Seems like just having lots of money would make everything fine, but it doesnt. That feeling of having done something for yourself is important to self esteem, and therefore, happiness. Guys, huge tornado 3 miles from my house last night I had to put Atlas in the closet with a motorcycle helmet on, and now my driveway, bridge and road are washed out and its still raining and threatening more tornados. If I never comment again I floated away, I loved you all, lol.


Sorry to be ignorant, but do tornados happen in England?


Non ignorant at all, no they don't have Tornados but Canada did so I remember them well.


You’re right. I think they fled to mexico and he was caught when he ordered a pizza on his real name. What a dumbass.


And then there are those American Dynasty families that work their whole lives, and put in the countless hours of hard work. Hours of blood , sweat and tears to make the American dream come true. Of course I am talking about the Kardashians. Do you think it is easy to make a sex tape and become famous for it, and make millions of dollars for having a huge ass. Not everyone has that kind of TALENT. Oh good God, I just threw up a little in my mouth while typing this bullshit.


The Kardashian’s are a perfect example of undeserved fame. Why people watch their crappy shows, !’ll never understand.


The days of talent and hard work taking you far are long over. It’s all about money and who you know now.


Extremely demoralizing. I work expat in Kenya. The average laborer makes 4$ US per day. A (used) shirt in the market costs 5$ US. Guy will be lucky to get a couple of weeks out of it cause the bales they get are what goodwill doesn't want to sell. Food for a family of 2 is about 3$ per day if they have any sort of garden. 5+$ if no garden. Meat is a twice a year event. Most everybody has a couple of chickens (cost 10$ each). A used car in half way decent condition costs the same as 3 calves. Working 10 to 12 hours a day x 6 days - living in an iron sheet house or wattle n daub hut. I used to tell my students that they are the only ones who limit their future. But after 10 years there, I have changed. Their society limits them. Even those who have taken their kcse (secondary exit tests) can't earn enough to buy their test scores and get their diploma. So yeah. We are fortunate having been born in the Americas. Who you know helps -but what you know is most important here.


Thank you for educating me! I had no idea. I wish there could always be a merit based system.


Fuck spoilt kids in the ass. Id love to see a rich kid like this get through just one of my night shifts without crying.


Oh hell yeah, she’s awful. Also hangs around with Amber Heard - a real shady piece of work


Cara also briefly had a grab ass with Paris Jackson, of all people. What is this world coming to?


Seeing them together, even though the age difference wasn't that big, I felt like Paris was being used by a predator. Not sure why exactly, but that whole thing gave me a bad feeling about Cara.


I gotcha. Once I was spot welding and my shoe caught on fire. It really kind of scared me, but the foreman said just put on an apron (how would that help?) And get back to work , so I did. These kids couldn't make it through anything like that. Its too hard for them to be polite throughout an entire interview! What do you do for a living?


Im a caregiver have been for 10yrs you leave your shit at the door and your phone in your locker. You smile and agree alot! And when shit hits the fan you get a lad and clean it up. Simple really but kids tollday lack intuitive and how to improvise. They would just run out crying. When you just gotta take it with a pinch of salt and move on


Tornado season, Denyse! Normally I am just out in the yard with a glass of wine watching the sky, this happens once a week for about 3 months a year. But this one was big. There ended up being 13 tornados that night in Oklahoma. Arkansas, and Texas. I live in tornado alley. But no injuries!❤But you guys have earthquakes! That sounds scary to me!


Yes, the creep factor was high with Cara and still is. I feel bad for Paris, though. She has not made very good decisions concerning her life trajectory, her father's death is definitely the cause of that


I've watched several body language teachers read Amber Heard......I think I'm scared of her now, lol. Pretty on the outside doesn't equal pretty on the inside, lol.


That's why Ray Jay is so famous today... Oh wait he isn't! They were both in the sex tape but only Kim came out famous and relevant today. Because of her hard work, dedication, determination... Crap now I've thrown up.


When you said that I assumed you meant she grabbed her ass at an event. They were lovers... Go figure. Thats messed up with any Jackson kid. Off topic but I always wondered why Paris wasn't half black.


As always I totally have an opinion no one asked for. Jackson kept all his family's business private, and his entire family was toxic. I don't think she's made bad decisions since his death, I think since he died no one is protecting her from public scrutiny.


Yes, they were. Actually Paris and her brother Prince Michael were the children of Debbie Rowe and another doctor that were personal physician's of Michael Jackson. He adopted the both of them. No wonder the public called him "Wacko Jacko" The crazy life of celebrity, that is for sure


I did work for a rehab/assisted living place for maybe 4 years. I still work with old people sometimes. You smile, agree and listen.


I can't reply to you directly stefanie... I think he meant put on an apron and make some sandwiches. Lmao. Joking of course. Very cool you welded and I'm glad you didn't lose a toe... I might be over thinking it but I've always wanted to weld. I have absolutely no faith in some kids, but some still have common sense and work ethic.