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Hey y’all! I hope you don’t mind me using the Patreon feed as like my own personal blog, I really like the idea of being more open and intimate with you guys.

So things had been going SO smoothly with my nasal surgery. Even went back to the doctor and he cleaned everything out and said I was healing nicely.

Today, however, was a weird one lol. I literally woke up to quite a large nosebleed, I’m talking blood all over my pillow and down my arm. It’s gotta be one of the strangest ways I’ve ever woken up. So I spent the day getting myself sorted and cleaned up, and have a couple extra medications to help with all of that. I don’t hurt or feel as bad anymore.

So the full uncut version of todays video will be delayed a little bit, but I should have it up within the next 24 hours.

I am excited to have you guys here, and with the first patreon month officially ticking over, I want to make sure all of you get the perks you paid for!

My patron DMs are always open - message me if you have a question, a thought, or even if there’s an extra piece of content you’d wanna see. I will do my best to make it happen!

For example, a bonus piece of content that has been requested a couple of times lately is an uncut version of the Hazbin Hotel reaction, so I’m gonna go back through my old video projects and I believe that’s doable!

I love y’all, thanks for being here 💙



Sorry to hear about the unexpected wake up call, but at least you’re healing up nicely haha


Glad you're feeling better!


Yeah it was really weird, made me feel woozy for most of the rest of the day which sucked haha