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Since I'm going to try out polling, I figured I'd add some rewards to each tier for it. Here's what I'm leaning towards, I want to keep it relatively simple. Feedback welcome.

Character Voting: all tiers
Situation Voting: $5 and $10 tier
Poll Suggestions: $10 tier

At least one suggestion will always be included in the polls. I'd also consider doing multiple votes for higher tiers but I'm not sure how to do that right now.



Yeah typically i see tiers for voting for characters, access to nsfw versions, and raffle for a chance at a drawing? but everyone is different when it comes to their tiers


I'd say go for it, although I think you should put some limits on what you want to draw too. Also, like someone else said, nsfw access is a big enticement.


I don't really like paywalling content but raffles may not be a bad idea either.


I'm pretty open but at the same time I trust in everyone's taste enough that I'm not going to end up drawing some bizarre fetish thing (h-hopefully). I don't really like paywalled content so I want to avoid that, but maybe early access or something could work.




Sounds like a good idea!