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Thanks again to everyone who's been supporting me so far.

I'm going to try out a poll this month. What kind would you be interested in? Picking a character? Picking a situation? Costumes?

Let me know.



Maybe have a poll for characters, and then make a separate poll for a sitation?

Momoiro Akane

I think too many polls would be kind of a hassle, both for patrons having to do them, and you making them and parsing data. I think it'd be good to try and condense to no more than two polls, IE "Poll 1 with characters wearing X, and Poll 2 with action". Or even vice versa, with poll 1 being character and action, with poll 2 and/or comments suggesting outfits? Something like that


I say let's start off with a character poll first! *coughlottecough*


Would love to see Akko, Suzy, or Constanze in a cheerleader uniform, with panties or no.


A character poll wouldn't be a bad idea