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i never want to wake up in general but especially so when I'm this hungover, the only thing that makes this morning even slightly better is waking up next to you.  



Sira Chaechaesss

I feel spoiled with all these audios🥲 can’t wait to be on Monday


It’s so good! I love them because it brings balance. It starts to feel one sided when it’s all about the listener IMO.

Alivia’s Life

For some reason I feel like taking care of someone in this state is so sweet. Sure, a hangover isn't fun but the care provided with the right person by your side ... cuddles.


Um... we need to talk about these dreams sir.... no more GTA for you 😂


okay because i need a drunk audio of you being drunk..

Andrea C

Reversed comfort is *chefs kith* but also yes....man flu...all that, is a thing


ok this is super cute but first thing first, water sir!