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it's okay, we all have our triggers, we all carry trauma, we should never have to apologize for that. 




I haven’t listened to this yet but I already know YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY


OK K LISTEN- make that driving around audio! cuz i can't drive/go out damn it would be fucking great😭


This is so perfect. I really needed this today. Thank you 💕

Alivia’s Life

Gosh darnit k I wasn’t trying to get in my feelings today


The things i would do for this man


The fact that his words are so comforting! 🥺❤️

Andrea C

This will def be listened to when I get home. Today is a fun one but also a hard one. Doing a tradition my dad started but now he couldn't care less about it or us. Bittersweet fun. Perfect timing good sir


time to grab my plushy and cry my eyes out


You are such a sweetheart, Knight. Validating emotions & the development of emotional intelligence is so important, but so many of us didn’t get this in our early years (or ever). Or were told to act happy, or shamed for reacting a certain way, instead of being encouraged to express emotions authentically & to feel them. And so we over compensate by saying sorry or feeling like we did something wrong. This audio was really healing to listen to. The “I promise I won’t leave” and “you’re allowed to cry” in particular. Thank you for your kindness & empathy.


Past is past, we can't change that and sadly the trauma will always be there. It's just a matter of time when we actually accept it and learn to heal from it. Thank you for this therapeutic audio K❤️

Andrea C

Edit/Add.....well....uh....yeah I'm bawling my eyes out now okay. Welp. Here we...here we are Being the main scapegoat in the family growing up and even now...yeah this is needed


I really needed to hear this 🥺 Thank you!


But, but, I picked up English in Canada…


Update: So... I don't think I've ever heard someone validate my reactions like this so thank you so so much for this. I didn't know I needed to hear this kind of validation until now


I lost my aunt and godmother very suddenly on November 12th so I find this audio very helpful and comforting thanks K ❤️


fyi I watched the first episode of the live action of Cowboy Bebop and it is in fact good 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Andrea C

Reading the comments just makes you realize how we are not alone in these feelings of invalidness (probs not a word but eh) and just trying to get through the current struggles of life that burden us. I think this audio helped to open some wounds we thought had healed, or ones we slapped a bandaid on in hopes it would go away. I have yet to find an audio that doesnt hit the bar, but this one...this one hits different and is way beyond exceptional


Thank you, K, for once again finding the exact way to say all of the things one might hope to hear from a supportive person in their life. After a fairly emotionally taxing weekend I know I found immense comfort in this audio. Thank you. 💛


Yes, basically we all carry our trauma. And sometimes we don't even know that until the trigger comes, yet, we still don't know when the trigger will coming to us, at what age or maybe till the end of our life. Some people already knew it, but some people just haven't come yet. And going through that is not an easy task. Couldn't agree more, don't be sorry about all our feelings. We have to accept it, whatever it is. All emotions are valid. I hope we can cope with all those and healing in a good way. I know the struggle is real, but we have each others. Thanks a lot for this audio, K. I really appreciate it, thank you for understanding <3