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Ochaco gets her revenge for Mei's reckless restraint and gag testing... but circumstances dictate Mei might've gotten far more than she ever bargained for. Strapped to a prototype high security prison for super dangerous and quirked up super villains, surely she wouldn't get too bad of a deal... it was just seven hours after all. Unbeknownst to her however, her machine's punishment protocol might not treat her as nicely as she wanted it too when she shows it her override codes to avoid responsibility. In fact, I don't think the machine wants to treat her well at all...


Remind me not to write CGs past 1 AM I tend to go a bit too far haha :P

This one was a lot of work but it was interesting to work on it and trying to come up with more off the cuff, stream of thought, gimmicks to justify it's length was pretty fun. By the third/fourth page or so I actually think it's some of my best expression work I've done in a while, which is pretty cool. Machine bondage also kinda let me run a bit too wild, poor Hatsume...

Sorry if I've been going a bit too dark lately, Miku's gonna have a nice lighthearted consensual one to try more new stuff and also just so I can spite the Yotsuba ending LOL.





Oooo do you plan to make a lock up thing for perhaps the Lumine kintober image?


Dude this is insanely hot and to have such a lengthy set is a very nice treat! Like honestly, the art is absolutely stellar but the dialogue and whatnot of art like this is what sells it for me and yours is genuinely some of the best. Good shit, Dan. You keep outdoing yourself.


Absolute perfection. I kinda do want to see the opening reaction tho 0-0


Ah sorry if I worded that weirdly. I just meant if you had any plans for Lumine to be bound by her artifact, based on this kinktober post: https://twitter.com/abbertondaniel/status/1580967922482446337?s=46&t=EJ1SIlTp5-G4qaJZ4770cg


Got the math slightly wrong (60*60*7)-365*69=15 so with 16 leaf years or so it's 68 years and 363 days.


wouldn't leap years add to the sentence because the sentence is a static value roughly calculated into years, thus making it 69 years 31 days? (60*60*7)-(364.75*69)= 31

Curan McNally

I actually like the dark stuff you've been putting out! It's just the right amount lol ;) Keep up the great work!


I hope you're not thinking of that comment I made on Pixiv with that apology. That was much more about the harshness of the story and dialogue, not the fetish content itself. You've been on a roll lately with the darker tone lately, don't feel pressured to stop!


Nothing wrong with a darker tone. Having some peril/risk adds some spice :)