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A plan of revealing corruption gets turned against the Scehnee Sisters leading to very miserable consequences as they're blamed for the crimes of their corrupt government and father, allowing him to build upon their stained legacy...



Slower turnout than expeceted this month cause I broke my shoulder from kinktober, but recovery has finally pretty much succeeded since about 2 days ago. I know I won't make it in time to finish all 7 but I plan on finishing at minimum 4 before this month ends, starting with Hatsume Mei next!

There's some lewdy stuff on part 2 that I censored that I'm not sure if I'm allowed to keep up, so if any of you are more aware about that kinda policy it'd be kindly appreciated if you give some input ._.

Thank you for your patience for my extremely inconsistent upload schedule as usual, this time at least life and physical injury kept me down instead of burnout T_T



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