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The ladies discuss smoking making a comeback, masks making people more attractive, and the Kanye West/Julia Fox romance.



I have a neighbor who is trying to get investors onboard to import seed oil free formula from Europe to USA. It’s been hard so far


welcome back ladies we missed you


Lmao Anna I just got Botox for my elevens and it looks great. However I can’t make a concerned face anymore…I just look like a confused baby or like I’m having a stroke when I try


Missed these sweet whores.


LIVED for the Dasha Varg beef thank u for bringing it up


Julia Fox and Dasha are co-stars in PVT chat, basically best friends


The dasha varg beef is legend


julia is so damn fine ong.


We love to see it !


Yallz get Paris h on pod plz


just another right-leaning homosexual fan


I was powerwatching Succession and saw Dasha in the Roy office scenes! But I am totally enthralled with Sarah Snook in a tight pantsuit. Sorry Dasha.


I feel spoiled getting another pod so soon.


loved it. as an aquarius, i can attest to the powerful pull to gemini. julia’s rising sign is gemini as well which is interesting.

Emilia Tessaro

The coffee n croissant quality of life index so accurate


Julia Fox was a sex worker, she was a dominatrix. My source is tiktok


how do u guys feel about playboi carti?


Playboi carti the shit


Pls review ‘finding magic Mike’ on hbo thank you!


good ep girlies. also have u guys discussed euphoria yet lol


Imagine the end of the pod being not Anna dying in the chicken drumstick room but Dasha, two weeks later, breaking Madonna's NDA and getting everybody sued into oblivion


Thanks for the episode ladies!


gemini and aquarius are both air signs…


“The point of the New Matrix isn’t that there’s some deep counter cultural truth that you discover and then you have to take a fork in the road and choose between the Red Pill or the Blue Pill, but that everything is pointless and no one’s even lying to you anymore.” Damn. FACTS!!!!!! That statement hit me like a ton of bricks while I was out for a run. I’m in LA and feeling suuuuper Less Than Zero right now. Numbness as a feeling! Major disappear here vibes. Damn, nihilism seemed so much sexier when I was a teenager. We don’t go to church anymore, we don’t believe in any grand stories, our art is extremely lame and shallow, and we look down on autonomy. I don’t know where this all goes and I don’t even know how much I actually care, but I fucking refuse to worship the fucking state, I do know that! Anyhow, checked out the Forbidden Fruits podcast and the episode that the girls are referencing is called Behind The Scenes with Julia Fox. I actually liked her way more than I thought I would. She’s super normal in the best fucking way! She seems to have a healthy awareness of things she gets right in life as well as things she gets wrong. And she’s not afraid or too ashamed to point out her wrongs and her flaws. She’s not trying to paint a perfect pretty little picture if it’s a picture that’s riddled with lies. It seems she’d rather give you the truth with its beautiful parts as well as its ugly realities. Julia seems very much on the same type of time as Anna and Dasha. This chick is kinda the real deal and I didn’t think she would be. She very much destroyed my preconceived notions of her and I’m totally digging her! I actually can’t wait to check a couple more of her pods and learn a little more about her. I highly recommend the particular pod that the girls were reacting to. It’s a pretty short listen! 👍


“Sexy Uncle Fester” - most accurate description of declining Madonna ever…


I honestly Wear a mask for a little sun protection


The ladies should check out the book The Burnout Society. Curious to hear your thoughts on it


I haven’t seen the new matrix, but the reason Morpheus isn’t in it is because he was killed in the Matrix Online video game. That video game is cannon unfortunately


Go to alchemy 43 in flatiron they do super low dose natural looking botox I get erica


Incredible how your standards change when talking about socialite arthoes who happen to be d-list famous


Julia fox is probably being considered for debi Mazar. The girl from ozark is playing Madonna


Gotta plug Nick The Smoker, youtube's most famous cigarette reviewer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQajebjkhXk Even if you have zero interest in smoking, something so calming about his reviews without the annoying energy of food or music/movie reviewers


Lord I hope we all stop talking about anything Kanye/Fox. No shade, just true fatigue.


your eric the mayor piece is crap and you need to f#ng


Bill maher New rule - the gals can’t mention paglia on the pod again until she’s an actual guest on the pod


That's a good call. I wear one so I never have to brush my teeth, but when I tell people that, they think I'm weird, so I'm gonna say sun protection now. Thanks


literally what is there to be fatigued by it’s more powerful than his romance with amber rose


Him and Adolfo Mateo are the two best YouTubers, they need to switch shows/sets like Sajak and Trebek did that one April Fools Day

Starry Pr1nce

The difference between the mother and the actress is growing every ep lol.


Please have Anna's secret crush chamath on to talk about the Chinese wegroes


A few days ago the cdc announced that previous infection now counts as immunity for 90 days. Brace yourself for the cognitive dissonance from all those that relied on cdc recommendations to berate the unvaccinated despite having natural immunity. Dr Vincent Racaniello reported the cdc announcement at 13:40 in the latest TWiV, he is both a professor of virology at Columbia and a long time lab virologist. You can also see the cdc updates in their webinar on 1/13/22 at timestamps 23:40 and 41:48 talking about how this relates to guidelines in healthcare and non healthcare settings, they are being cautious in their language but it’s been a long time coming, I would guess as time goes on we’ll see it extended past 3 months. At the very least, if Anna is considering vaccination she should wait the full 3 months if not 6 for B cell maturation and it will put her into the 99.9% group which is only achieved with the combination of previous infection plus at least one jab of any approved vaccine. However, natural immunity alone is only marginally worse and if we’re to believe that people were reasonably protected after vaccination, there’s no reason to believe she won’t be protected by natural immunity now if she decides not to. I’m glad to hear she’s ok and hopefully back to regular shitposting and pods


Lmao John pls- research shows it’s very easy for you to get reinfected. The 90 days “immunity” is more about not getting PCR tested as the dead virus ur body could be shedding may cause a false positive result. Yeah it makes it unlikely but definitely not impossible. Especially with new variants etc


Sophia, we don’t care about infection we care about severe disease or death. People like you who don’t understand the research are why there are free resources like TWiV to catch you up to speed. Not sure why both these comments here assumed that.


Dasha and Anna post ur charts plsssss I have so many suspicions I need to confirm. Also a lot of artists are Pisces!! they are so charming and creative but do lack discipline


loving the increase in astrology talk 😍


Why is astrology real wtf who designed this caveman simulation. “Da stars are gonna talk to u lol”. Okay Mufasa. get some taste, demiurge.


can we get marianne williamson on the pod!?


2 years ago Anna mentioned that she found a really convincing Greta Thunberg porno does anyone know which one she may have had in mind?

emf 303

There are dozens of deep fake porn videos of Gretta along with every other celebrity. Go to duck duck go and type "deep fake porn" into the search bar. Pick one of the many sites that come up and type in the name of any celebrity in the site search bar. Many of the videos are indistinguishable from the real thing. It's pretty disturbing.


Really thought Kanye’s line from Easy (“I’m done with counselin’ - I don’t negotiate with therapists”) was gonna get a nod.


You guys seem like you’re happy to be back. Makes me pleased. Love u


I tie a sock around my head for the night to prevent the 11-wrinkles. Patent pending. The idea being the forehead muscles aren't allowed to contract and will wither somewhat. I have to say that it isn't very glamorous, so if you get results maybe say it's botox or something else instead. All you need is a stretchy sock and some rubber bands/velcro/needle and thread (not sure what's optimal for your hair).


Anna, don’t get Botox. Those hucksters love to tell people there’s no health risk. It’s fucking botulism! I was the weird .000001 percent (I guess) who had such awful side effects I felt like I was wearing a metal bowl on my head (like Shannon Beador) for months until the shit wore off. Went to accupuncture and they said the see so many people with awful Botox reactions (I live in LA) That said, I swear by microneedling. Love the pod.


For Anna: https://www.hipp.com/ the best formula one can find short of making your own.


Anna if ur not familiar, look into the Shakti mat. They’re brilliant. Acupressure.


get varg on the pod


link to humidifier plz

Joseph Irizarry

Following this pod I dreamt I was explaining in great detail the vocal quality of Earth signs to these two and encouraged Anna to take vocal lessons before lying on my back and holding a long weighty note.


How do you feel about Capricorn women


What photo of dasha r they talking about? Anyone have it lol


Ladies need your take on the new green M&M controversy


I sent you guys like 4 manic messages in your contact thingy on your website, pls read if you have the time


I would love an episode where they say their thoughts on each zodiac sign.


ladiesss I want y’all to review the SATC reboot… I have some thoughts and would love to hear what you all have to say about it


I'm pretty new here... Are they always this infrequent with new episodes? It's been over a week!


*goes on monthlong hiatus with no news* *returns and still can't be bothered to even come up with one episode per week* *says they'll talk about topics that they never get to* Yes I know the chaos is part of their charm and why am I still paying but at some point the patience is going to run out.


Can u 2 review the post postmodern collage that is called "And Just Like That"? Pretty please.


How was this not named Jailye Fox?


You can make your own baby formula at home, seed oil free. Nourishing Traditions has cow's milk, goat's milk, and liver based recipes


Love Anna and Dasha but always laugh at their music takes. Eazy is relevant and timeless if you know a thing or two about rap music.


My dads name is Valentin!! Decided to name my lil guy Valen as an homage to him!