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The ladies discuss Eve Babitz and Joan Didion's passing, Ghislaine Maxwell and Elizabeth Holmes' guilty verdicts, and Eric Adams' plans for the city. Plus, Anna recounts her near-death experience.



Oh thank god


Tout est pardonne




no one wants to work anymore 🙄


This better be good


well well well


Oh thank god gonna save for my mental health coffee walk tomorrow 😌😌


Welcome back :’)


Anyone complaining can go die


Finally!! I kept refreshing your Patreon wall thinking it was bugging. Missed you guys 🥬




you talking about elizabeth holmes makes up for the gap


U better b sorry


Camille paglia on this one ?


all the things she said running thru me head running theu me head... nvr sounded so sweet


This better be good


(This is Anuk Rocha of Drab City)




Self-talk more shit


dam just when i was making peace with this as a pure charitable contribution with no expectation of product


missed u so bad ladies glad ur back :)


City girls up 💹




Missed YOU!


Never gave up on you


Ayeee, you back.


Thank god


Thanks ladies, getting that paypig tier experience for the low low price of $5 a month!


Were not mad. We were just worried..


The way i SQUEALED when i got the notification


We all made a suicide pact saying that if you guys didn't put a podcast out before the 10th we were all going to OD on the Moderna vaccine. Now I'm kinda bummed because that would have been pretty cool. But glad you are back and not NEAR DEATH.


this is a moooooood


The great resignation is over


I almost died :-/




blink three times if you’re being held hostage


When I compared you two to Shawn King I only meant that you are white. That's all I meant when I called you frauds.


Omg Anna that chicken bones isolation room sounds terrifying.


thank god


Anna very glad to hear you are ok now


The messiah has returned


alassssssss 🙏


Thank god!




Really glad to hear you're ok and in good spirits! I hope some of the more aggressive complainers in the comments here take this as a much needed sign to fucking check themselves, yeesh.


I was worried about this for you since no eps. I also almost died, for real. I'm glad I don't see you in hell.


Told y’all they were dropping this weekend


This is a great ep


Lmao, the cope. If she was vaxxed, she probably would not have had as bad a bout. Dasha got COVID and was fine! COPE!


Very happy to know you guys are safe!!

Matt Burgess

LMAO on doubling down on the vax after all that. iconic episode, never change anna so glad you're ok <3


Did you join the vasculitis sisterhood Anna? Happy you’re doing ok 🥺🥺


Aritzia horrible, I needed that take

Justin T. Palmer

Supply chain shortage hitting the pod


Was about to kms


the reunion


Okay thanks ladies. Please don’t die this month.


spike protein can do all sorts of shit in your body probably good you didn’t get vaccinated anna, hope you stay healthy and happy


we will leave you off with a warning this once but it’s sharia law from here on


you guys should look up dr robert morris, he was the lead researcher on the first mRNA technology studies and basically invented the technology. he just got banned from twitter for being skeptical of the vaccine and speaking positively of ivermectin


glad you’re okay


We were worried.


Autoimmune diseases are tough and unpredictable, hope you find something that works for you, Anna


Anna, “There is almost an obligatory medical genuflection toward “genetic causation” of disease, and especially of thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, and other chronic or degenerative diseases. The fact that thyroid disease and autoimmune diseases are from five to ten times more frequent in women than men somehow hasn’t increased medical interest in the pathogenic role of estrogen, and it doesn’t prevent platoons of medical researchers from making claims to have discovered “which chromosome carries the disease.” a la Ray Peat


Very very glad you're well, Anna. Much love, much love. As for the people here who'd been jumping to conclusions, assuming dear Dasha was Hollywood Big-Shotting her way off the pod in a massive tyrannical ego hellstorm, if they had integrity, they would hopefully now realize that they owe our darling Miss Nekrasova a heartfelt apology, well wouldn't they? Why yes, I do think they would. Yes, indeed.


I was getting worried


Great pod! Glad you are back and you are both well. Any listeners in Portland, OR?


Anna just get the J+J Vax if you have to. Avoid the mRNA routes.


Doctor, sobbing: Please, take the vax, I can't save you a second time. It's in your arm, just push the injector Anna: I stg I kill celebrities when I think about them


I never gave up on y’all FWIW and also seeing eve babitz in the description, I’m so excited to listen


Dasha's tweet have been 🔥


Why are you talking like this? What are you even talking about.


Elizabeth Holmes looks like Chelsea Clinton..


yass <3


Totally understand the enjoyment of being sick. The guilt free resting time. I got vaccinated and was so looking forward to my post shot fever & chills day. But it never came. Chills for a little but I was totally fine. So disappointing 😪

Emilia Tessaro

loooooove Aritzia (and lulu 🇨🇦) 10 seconds in, glad u girls are back


It's interesting that you guys doubled down on your vaccine takes. But if one is principally against any government policing of individual behavior, like mandating an ultimatum to vaccinate or test to obstruct spread of a serious infectious disease, then I don't see how one can be leftist in any practical sense. It's just right-wing libertarianism. You can catch the flu if you wanna convalesce or whatever.

Starry Pr1nce

Crazy that you got the vax and felt relatively fine when you finally got covid from being all over town Dasha. Anna would've been fine if she had been vaxxed lmao


I don’t know who Joan Diddykong is, but regarding talented artists that had net negative influence because they were so ahead of their peers and followers: Nirvana fits the bill. They were good and outlined an entirely new way to be cool, but everyone who followed just looked like a mediocre poser in comparison.




Omicron survivors are showing good protection against delta too so far so you don’t need to jab any time soon and Paul Offit just answered the question on NPR recently on how long to wait after recovery in which he said at least one month if not several. I assume that’s to allow B cell maturation which is ideally 5-6 months before hitting your system with spike again. I doubt you need the jab health wise at this point, so just do it if you want the convenience factor and watch for signs of heart trouble if you do get the jab. I got the Jansen and both my roommates are unvaxxed, we all survived it in the past weeks, me with no issues not even a sore throat, they were out of work for a week and a half but still able to play video games and smoke weed, just a little tired and sneezy. If you want more info on B cell maturation, this week in virology has plenty of episodes covering it recently

Nick Jones

Red Scare + RFK Jr would be amazing. Please make it happen, the book is mind blowing.


Anna, please get some of the anti-vaxx people to talk to you before you do anything rash with the vaxx.


I feel bad now for being impatient for an ep

Ben Seales

Lovely ep Anna and the bad lottery win is a nice plot twist... she creates a culture dent podcast *and* changes Lymes to Dymes... ‘can’t wait to see what she does next’ 🤢🤮🤕📚


people commenting on the last ep: Fuck u Anna Fuck u Dasha…. ;) hi Zizek People commenting on this ep: Omg Anna and Dasha you are so brave! fr tho glad u both are feeling better and i’m sorry for the rest of the commenters bein so nasty when they don’t get their RS drip of adrenochrome


Anna & Dasha after reading your comment: Wow this guy is so cool he’s not like the other commenters he really gets it come on the podcast sometime


Omg Anna, you stayed in the girl interrupted room

Ryan Fellhauer

happy to hear you are better Anna!


Dear Anna, that was a horrifying listen. I hope you recover soon. <3 Please don’t cave to the depopulation-horny pedo elites. These things have helped people recovering from long covid, inflammatory responses, as well as vax side effects (*a lot* of people have suffered with what you’re describing from getting vaxxed + they’re being silenced). - Humic + Fulvic Acid - Spirulina + Chlorella - Quercetin - 5000 IU of D3 - B12 - Zinc (don’t take on empty stomach), Selenium, Iodine - Pine Needle Tea, Black Seed Oil, Oregano Oil I’ve seen people share that taking Ivermectin helped heal both after-effects of the virus and side effects of the vax, worth looking into if you can get any.


Girls are entering the Capricorn season just fine lol


Would love if you ladies reviewed don’t look up, that movie feels nefarious like sophisticated propaganda for the state


Covid sucks, thanks 4 coming back


Ivermectin absolutely works ! My dads has been taking ivermectin prophylactically for months now and he’s never gotten COVID despite being around people with COVID all day. So upsetting it’s not readily available in New York.. they could literally be saving lives.


FREE ANNA!! Gang Gaaaaaang! So happy you two are back. Love you both! ♥️♥️


Is it really sophisticated though? Cause to me it looks more like an extremely unsophisticated and rather lame one)


I love these girls!


Really think Hunter Thompson is one of those writer that too many young writers have tried and failed to emulate. To be fair though, Thompson tried and failed to write like F. Scott Fitzgerald.


Glad you’re feeling better Anna! God is good 🙏


My friend had the same thing after her vaccine she had to get steroid shots and couldn’t walk. The doctor said there were a lot of people who had the same thing after their vaccines


You guys should finally watch Margaret now that J Smith-Cameron is a friend of the pod. Actually I was hoping you were watching the director's cut and that was causing the delay


Thank god you're alright.


It sounds like she has guillaine-barre syndrome.


glad you’re okay anna x


Every woman I know had a shift in their menstrual cycle after their second shot!


I'm glad Dasha is buying herself huge tits


Hospitals are the worst! Get well get well soon in words of Seinfeld.


Happy you are both healthy ❤️ Dasha congrats on scary best movie I’ve watched in a while


Imagine having a covid outcome severe enough to land you in the hospital incurring out of pocket expenses for three days while your baby is at home potentially about to lose its mother and then using your public platform to be like “No but the VACCINE!”


Image getting myocarditis from junk circulating spike protein and then stooping to the level of a pharma shill to be like “I love Pfizer cock in my mouth”


80 percent of covid hospitalized are obese. Duh!


How dare you plebs that doubted. Go get a booster.


Definitely need the Ye X Julia Fox unboxing for the next ep 💗


oh my fucking god. you got the autoimmune disease BECAUSE you got covid. there is no shame in getting covid but this is why we in the medical community have been saying get the fucking shots. covid triggers all kinds of things!! one of my very sickest patients ever was in her early 20s with severe brain damage cause of it. Please wise the fuck up and listen to God who is trying to tell you to protect yourself and your baby.


also before i get “scolded” no i’m not gloating about Anna getting covid. I’m fucking tired of seeing young people getting wrecked by a disease that we have a vaccine for that we know for sure heavily reduces your risk of hospitalization and death.


Eve is Silver Lake and Hollywood. Joan is Beverly Hills and Bel Air. Two completely different ethos and milieu. You’ll eventually grow out of the former, but probably not the latter. Both were overflowing with genius!


Welcome back ladies ❤️ Glad you’re healthy


Glad you’re well and back (Houellbeq) but did NOT appreciate the Брайтон Бич slander. Review new TLP book pls

Mathieu Dube

Glad you’re feeling better.


…glad you’re well’n’back and bright’n’bitchy

Joshua Garcia

I’m going through the Covid myself. Still doing dragonball z training outdoors.


Not a good idea to stay active during sickness. I suspect that’s exactly why there were so many stories of young athletes getting severe illness.


I'd like a full 2 season ep-by-ep analysis of Emily in Paris. pls <3

Joshua Garcia

Working out while sick is a risk but I’m unable to sit in one spot like a slug. I have no idea how people do that even when they’re not sick. How does one feel they earned lunch?


Glad you’re both doing well ladies ♥️


Hunter S. Thompson is another example of a writer who was so widely influential and spawned so many bad imitators


So as to tarnish their legacy


Would be awesome to either analyse or interview legendary danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth, would be extremely interesting to hear you guys perspective on him as an auteur and controversial persona


God, as I fan of the Pod I knew not to expect too much, but they’re into Covid misinformation now? First 20 minutes is just anecdotal evidence about covid being harmless and then pseudoscience about vaccines. Not trying to be ‘pro-government’ btw, but it’s just aesthetically embarrassing; these are the talking points Bret Weinstein hits. Seriously low-IQ stuff. Loved the ep, 9/10 for me. Glad to have you back!


truly an insufferable episode


Anna, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 35. “Don’t worry, it’s not a death sentence”, my doc said, “as long as I take Methotrexate (chemotherapy)”. Bullshit. Now at 43, I’m in the best shape of my life. I don’t take the chemo. I radically changed my diet and went on LDN instead. Low carb, no sugar and exercise cured me.


Can you get Annie Hamilton on the podcast and get her to tell some stories. We love her


Me when Anna begins telling her near-death story: “ Annaaaa!!!!”

Mathieu Dube

Thanks for coming back!


I’m so glad you dumb bitches are okay❤️great to have you back


My got, *sniffs* I am a pay pig, no more. *sniffs*


Congrats on the convalescing


Big balls calling BW’s talking points “low IQ” 🤷‍♀️


Banger. Worth the wait


Yes absolutely but the last time I heard him speak it was extremely hard to understand him or listen to due to his difficulty in speaking. I hope he’s better or can bring a co-spokesperson with him? Just sayin.


This is so trippy — I had the SAME auto inflammatory immune response in my legs before Christmas……..


Just here to say, Anna -- yes, the covid vaccine could have caused a flare up (short lived) in present autoimmune disease but it would not have been as severe as you experienced as a result of COVID. And saying "I got over COVID quickly" is disingenuous. You didn't, the two issues were not exclusive. COVID led to the autoimmune response. Whatever your take on the vaccine, your response here is bad faith. I get that it's hard to assimilate your experience as a result of a choice you made, and it must have been scary, but you are drawing weak conclusions to bolster your own ego.


There’s literally no way you could know that. Many people - myself included - had a way worse reaction to the vaxx than to Covid pre-vaccine


Loved the ep. A little misinformation can be funny and expected in this context. Glad you are feeling better. Worth the wait.


idk if you took it too far with the Eric Adams bit, get him on the pod though!

Neba Jorgacevic

Why do you ladies hate Chapo Traphouse, I follow both podcasts your since recently and theirs a while longer. Is there a beef going on btw your revolutionary and superhip,trending podcasts crews, pls do tell more, I was not aware. Regards from a Serbian immigrant/ community support worker living in Vancouver, BC.


Hey Dasha, your film made it on Half in the Bag 2021 Movie Catch-Up today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOzsy6IHNUM. Can't wait to see it!


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I found cth too preachy and self satisfied in its nonstop detached mockery. Red Scare girls are more sincere and less politically dogmatic, zero pretense that they’re saving the world with their podcast (lol). Even their name reeks of edgy Internet Leftist tryhardism, I refuse to call a podcast “chapo”. Their pathetic shilling for Biden completely removed them from my radar. I remember seeing one of them participate in the “horse dewormer” psyop on Twitter too. No integrity.


❤️❤️❤️ Anna. I would love to hear you take a deep dive into the burden that has been placed on kids during COVID. I have a 4 and 2 year old and am trying to give them a 100% normal existence here. The lack of parental curiosity to look up risks before isolating their kids from the world and covering their faces for two years is in need of some Red Scare analysis. It’s so so dark.


The comments, and handles, about Anna not getting a vaccine are bolstering my theory that most of the pandemic hysteria has been constructed by women in positions of power that want so badly to tell everyone else what to do. MPH’s, colleges and education administrators… mostly women.


Excellent observation. You’re right—just listen to all the hysteria. Is it a similar profile to other cult members? But why is Joe Biden the biggest screamer of them all?! That’s a rhetorical question of course. Thanks.


hype house


Must say, I got covid the day after this episode released and I took Dasha’s advice about a humidifier, so worth it. Also very true about the auto immune/inflammatory response, any future arthritis has shown itself during this illness for me.

emf 303

The details of the Elizabeth Holmes case are insane and the more one digs the more one finds the cross section of military intelligence and biomedical technology. We're supposed to believe that college drop out Elizabeth Holmes- with no business experience and no working prototype -was able to convince the following people to sit on the board of her totally fake company? Henry A. Kissinger -- former U.S. secretary of state. Gary Roughead — retired US Navy admiral. Richard Kovacevich — former CEO of Wells Fargo. Fabrizio Bonanni — former executive vice president at the biopharmaceutical company Amgen. William J. Perry — former US secretary of defense Sam Nunn — former US senator who served as chairman of the Senate intelligence committee. George P. Shultz — former US secretary of state Gary Roughead — retired US Navy admiral Holmes was able to trick some of the most powerful people in Military intelligence while also scamming billions of dollars from some of  the top investment firms in the world? And none of them understood they were being scammed? Does that really make sense to anyone? And what about their actual mission statement? To be the single blood tester in America. Why would the most powerful interests in America want to be testing everyone's blood going into 2020? _*Cough cough_ And to make this coverup complete they scheduled the Jessie Smollett and Ghislaine Maxwell distraction trials at the same time.


maybe if u keep smoking you can be the next Fran lebowitz... how about that?? you can't quit now!


Much simpler explanation: She was the babysitter of one of the partners from (Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers). Of course the partner invests a paltry sum, to be nice. She then turns around and tells future investors (dumbest first!!) that she's funded by one of the biggest VC firms in the valley. The rest of the story rolled out like an avalanche.