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The ladies discuss Michael Bloomberg's rumored stab at the presidency, Jeff Goldblum's remarks in defense of Woody Allen, the new rape allegations against Roman Polanski; plus, we review Bong Joon-ho's class-conscious dark comedy thriller Parasite.



I give Lou Reed a pass on his behavior because he was subjected to shock therapy.


love you ladies but you're making it harder and harder to defend this pod when you go out of your way to defend & empathize for rapists. there's plenty more going on

Matt Burgess

love Polanski's films but honest question if Epstein was a great artist, would you be defending him? if his crimes were in the context of a long film career (expressing his degeneracy artistically in a series of Eyes Wide Shut-style films for example) would you be looking at him differently? enjoy the show and the takes but the general flippancy towards Polanski's victims in this ep seemed gratuitous and unnecessary. makes the previous Epstein truther activism come off as shallow. and fake Dylan allegations aside, Woody continued to pal around old Jeff well after his arrest and should at the very least be condemned for that shit alone


dasha come to literally any city in the uk and you’ll find your dream man, jude law’s son is like a young hollywood lad u should follow him & his friends like sonny hall, i love seeing my culture celebrated lol


oppa parasite style


They're defending male artists who they regard as worthy and sophisticated but rushing to support victims of men from a class theyve pre-existing contempt for. Class or status does largely determine who's abused and who's empowered to abuse, but it doesn't determine which instance of abuse is acceptable or not.

Doug Dee

It's pronounced Dow-thut.. I think.. not doo-hat. He did a movie podcast with Kyle Smith called "Projections" but I think it died because no one wanted to hear from conservative movie critics.. (Purely speculation)


Yes to coming to the UK! 🇬🇧