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Hey guys! Welcome to the first official episode of Skip or Playlist!

These days I don't really have the time to react to everything that drops and the way I want to share some stuff with you is "evolving" lets say. 

Thus, I invented "Skip or Playlist" ! Now, what goes on the YouTube is pretty much the releases that I'm looking forward to the most. Those are likely the ones I like as well out of what I check out (because why would I post a video I HATE?) and / or they're my favourite artists and / or I'm just "there" at the time of something dropping.

These artists here are also artists I really enjoy a lot, or are artists I've wanted to check out and don't know too well, or are releases that I might not be super interested in but wanted to have a look at.

Anyway - its a super chill, 3 HOUR long affair so strap yourselves in, play down in the comments below what YOU think with the following:


1 - I'd definitely playlist this or listen to it again

2 - Not for me, I'd not listen to this and skip it

3 - I'm neither here nor there or I don't know how I feel about it yet

On today's roster we have (in chronological order) the following artists / songs!

  • SF9 - Bibora
  • Hui (Pentagon) - HMM BOP
  • Seola (WJSN) - Without U
  • I.M (Monsta X) - Slowly ft. Heize
  • P1Harmony - Killin' It
  • Moonbyul (Mamamoo) - TOUCHIN&MOVIN'
  • VCHA - Y.O.Universe
  • VCHA - Girls Of The Year
  • TEN - Nightwalker
  • BIBI - BamYangGang
  • BIBI - Sugar Rush
  • Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Where Am I
  • Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Stay
  • IU - Holssi
  • IU - Shopper
  • tri.be - Diamond
  • Lim Hyunsik (BTOB) - La Mar
  • TWS - BFF
  • Yugyeom (GOT7) - La Sol Mi
  • Yugyeom (GOT7) - 1 Minute


Skip or Playlist Ep. 1

Watch "Skip or Playlist Ep. 1" on Streamable.



Alright, so I've listened to the stream while in the office working. I made some notes, but I'm going to watch the stream again when I get home. Let's see if any of the visuals and/or second listens change my opinion on any of the songs. I'll do a more complete response after the second listen. But I did want to say that I really enjoyed this concept. There were several songs in the stream that I don't think I would have otherwise listened to, including some that I actually liked, so I really appreciate this and I hope you do more of these in the future, even if it's just sporadic and not a regular thing.


not about the video itself, but i love the 'skip or playlist' logo on the thumbnail lol


Okay, as promised... here are my thoughts/ratings. 1. SF9 - Bibora. This one was a 2 for me... they call me carpet, indeed. I do agree that FNC really needs to do more to promote their artists, unless they are going for the whole FNC="Future Non Company" hahaha. Nothing against SF9, they are super talented. I just didn't vibe with this song. 2. Hui - HMM BOP. This was MMMM Nope. Rated as a 2, as I didn't vibe with this one. I was originally on the 2 or 3 fence, but after the second listen, this one fell to a 2 for me. 3. Seola - Without U. This song... man, I couldn't even get all the way through the first listen. I had to immediately stop the stream and go add this to my Spotify playlist. Definitely a 1 for me. 4. I.M - Slowly ft. Heize. This was an artist that I was not familiar with. I love Heize, though, so this was definitely a song that I was willing to give a listen to. Glad I did, as this was a 1 for me. 5. P1Harmony - Killin' It. After the first listen through, this one was a 2 for me. When I watched the MV on the second viewing, I kinda thought this might be a 3? Still kinda on the fence, but I might give it another listen or two to see if my opinion improves. Some songs you just gotta listen to a few times before they really click. 6. Moonbyul - TOUCHIN'&MOVIN'. I absolutely love Moonbyul. Having said that, this was definitely not one of her better songs in my opinion. This is a borderline 2, but I'm going to rate it a low 3, gonna give this one another shot. 7. VCHA - Y.O.Univers and Girls of the Year. Hoooo boy. The wife and I both watched A2K. It was enjoyable on its own (not in the same league as the Korean survival shows, though). We both HATED the name VCHA. When JYP announced it, even the members seemed to be confused at first, lol. But you are not really missing anything by not watching the show. There were three "original" songs during the final showcases. The girls were split into two groups, one did one song and the other did a second song, then they both did Y.O.Universe. These three songs definitely felt like throwaway songs that JYP wrote with his buddies that just weren't good enough for primetime, which is why none of the JYP groups recorded them in the first place. It definitely shows that there was not a lot going on with these songs, and Y.O.Universe is a definite 2 for me... I listened to it several times when it came out, and I really wanted to like it, but just couldn't do it. Girls of the Year, however, was a much better song, and it shows that the group has a lot of potential. I would give this a solid 3. One thing about VCHA, I can't help but feel like their debut was rushed. I think they could all benefit from more training. I was watching A2K around the same time as the Last Evaluation, and there was a glaring difference in the level of skill on display. 8 TEN - Nightwalker. Another artist I was not familiar with. I also could not get through this song before having to stop the stream to add this to my playlist. The dark vibe was fantastic, and watching the MV on the second pass just improved my opinion of this song even more. 1 for sure. 9. Bibi - BamYanGang and Sugar Rush. BamYanGang was very confusing for me, as well... was definitely getting a Willy Wonka vibe about halfway through hahaha. I think the high numbers on the K-Charts only reflect that BIBI is awesome and that many people will listen to anything she puts out. And I must admit, I am one of those people hahaha. I didn't quite like the vibe of this song, but I am going to rate it a 3... maybe it will grow on me. Sugar Rush... this was a certified HIT. 1 for sure... after watching the MV, I am disappointed that I cannot rate this higher than an 1... so I'm going to make up my own rank and call this a 1+ hahaha. 10. Cha Eunwoo - Where Am I and Stay. Where Am I is a 2 for me. I listen to K-Pop when I want to feel good, and this song totally bummed me out lol. Stay was better, but I think I would have to give it a couple more listens, so I'm going to give this one a 3. 11. IU - Holssi and Shopper. This is a first heard for me for Holssi, but I really liked it. Added to the playlist, 1. Shopper is already on regular rotation on my playlist so another definite 1 from me. The MV was top notch. 12. tri.be - Diamond. This was a pretty good afrobeat song... good vibes. Definitely not their best outing, but not bad. I'll give it a 3, because I think this is going to be one of those songs I will need to listen to a few times before deciding whether I really like it or not. 13. Lim Hyunsik - La Mar. This song was a banger! I was definitely getting some classic Radiohead vibes from this song. The scenery in the MV was amazing. Solid 1. 14. TWS - BFF. I didn't like this one. For me, BFF was a big fat failure. Rated a 2. 15. Yugyeom - La Sol Mi and 1 Minute. I didn't really vibe with either of these songs. I do like GOT7, though, so I will probably rate these both as a 3 and put them in the undecided bucket. Gonna need some more listens for these. That's it from me. Thanks for the entertaining stream. I hope you do more of these in the future. Cheers!


I didn't watch the whole video, but the songs I've listened to or watched the m/v's for were Hmm Bop, Without U, Holssi, and Diamond. I've playlisted Hmm Bop, Without U, and Diamond. I've listened to Holssi like... twice? Honestly I'm a big fan of that funk sound (Parliament, George Clinton, Rick James), so Hmm Bop hits for me. Reminds me of Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars lol. Without U was a pleasant surprise for me, since I'm not really familiar with Seola's vocals or tone. And I'm a big fan of Afro Beats and Moombahton, and that's like 1/2 of TRI•BE's music lol. Also, lyrically, it hits for me. It's a very touching and emotional song. It also may hit harder for me bcuz their main producer just passed away (Shinsadong Tiger).


The way I didn't like Diamond when it came out, but as I listened to it on my playlist I grew to really love it... I made a draft of my monthly list last night and it climbed up so quickly when I compared it to other songs hahahaa... also I really love TWS, that song also grew on to me.


I do appreciate this cos I was here for Hyunsik but I got to add a couple of other songs to my playlist because of this video 😊

alesha feisal

TWS really give me early TXT vibes so the moa to tws stan pipeline is kinda coming for me hahahaha the other 2 songs are similar in this boy-ish genuine sound so if you were a 3 leaning into a 1 for bff then i think like u said u might figure out what you like or don't like~ i also discovered so much new music like im adding hyunsik's song to the playlist


3-SF9 - Bibora 3-Hui (Pentagon) - HMM BOP 1-Seola (WJSN) - Without U 3-I.M (Monsta X) - Slowly ft. Heize 3-P1Harmony - Killin' It 1-Moonbyul (Mamamoo) - TOUCHIN&MOVIN' 3-VCHA - Y.O.Universe 3-VCHA - Girls Of The Year 3-TEN - Nightwalker 1-BIBI - BamYangGang 1-BIBI - Sugar Rush 3-Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Where Am I 3-Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Stay 1-IU - Holssi 1-IU - Shopper 3-tri.be - Diamond 3-Lim Hyunsik (BTOB) - La Mar 3-TWS - BFF 3-Yugyeom (GOT7) - La Sol Mi 3-Yugyeom (GOT7) - 1 Minute


Yeah Hyunsik's MV is kinda indie Probably cos it was filmed by his dive crew in Palau (all underwater scenes are real, no special effects). Filmed by Hyunsik and team on their own time without financial backing from CUBE.