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Yeah okay lmao this 5 episodes have GOT TO BE like the best 5 episodes in Bleach we've seen in like forever. Holy SHIT man so much dkweqjbiojbas this was magic idk


Bleach Eps. 306-310

Watch "Bleach Eps. 306-310" on Streamable.



Head popped? Was I right?

Holly Mai9

Every time you'd watch Bleach I'd ask myself is he at THAT part yet?! LOL no but soon. FINALLY we got to THAT part.


The facepalm will always by the hypest moment for me on Anime. Glad you made it, man.


Hahahaha only one way to find out! Thanks for sticking it through! This payoff was fucking PERFECT


YES man like the disrespect is absolutely through the roof and the shock on that mans face was priceless

Matt (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 11:07:07 This last battle was the most hyped I was while watching Bleach before TYBW. Absolutely insane. Just a few things: The "this would be a great place to end" thing is a fairly common opinion among the fanbase but there are a lot of unanswered questions that are addressed in later arcs. When Urahara mentioned the soul king it wasn't the first time he was referenced. Back when Ichigo fought that menos grande back at the start of the series, Rukia says "only the royal guard are capable of dealing with a menos" (more or less). This was obviously retconned but the idea of a royal guard/royalty was first mentioned then. He was also referenced during the vizard flashback when Shinji and Shunsui were discussing who Urahara was replacing and Shunsui said "they've been promoted to squad 0. The royal guard". Just to remind you. With the info on the process of Ichigo losing his powers, the "you still have powers until collapse randomly" thing was to setup the coming filler arc where a main plot-point is that Ichigo is not at full strength. Originally it cut to a scene in episode 342, you'll probably recognise it. Also I mentioned in a previous VOD that you shouldn't watch the opening because it had spoilers. The spoiler was Gin's death; specifically the shot of Rangiku's tear falling on his face. You should watch the next arc's opening because it's one of those openings that changes as the arc progresses so it would be nice to see you notice the changes :). Plus it fits well for the last arc of the series.
2024-02-26 10:44:46 This last battle was the most hyped I was while watching Bleach before TYBW. Absolutely insane. Just a few things: The "this would be a great place to end" thing is a fairly common opinion among the fanbase but there are a lot of unanswered questions that are addressed in later arcs. When Urahara mentioned the soul king it wasn't the first time he was referenced. Back when Ichigo fought that menos grande back at the start of the series, Rukia says "only the royal guard are capable of dealing with a menos" (more or less). This was obviously retconned but the idea of a royal guard/royalty was first mentioned then. He was also referenced during the vizard flashback when Shinji and Shunsui were discussing who Urahara was replacing and Shunsui said "they've been promoted to squad 0. The royal guard". Just to remind you. With the info on the process of Ichigo losing his powers, the "you still have powers until collapse randomly" thing was to setup the coming filler arc where a main plot-point is that Ichigo is not at full strength. Originally it cut to a scene in episode 342, you'll probably recognise it. Also I mentioned in a previous VOD that you shouldn't watch the opening because it had spoilers. The spoiler was Gin's death; specifically the shot of Rangiku's tear falling on his face. You should watch the next arc's opening because it's one of those openings that changes as the arc progresses so it would be nice to see you notice the changes :). Plus it fits well for the last arc of the series. Love the content man!

This last battle was the most hyped I was while watching Bleach before TYBW. Absolutely insane. Just a few things: The "this would be a great place to end" thing is a fairly common opinion among the fanbase but there are a lot of unanswered questions that are addressed in later arcs. When Urahara mentioned the soul king it wasn't the first time he was referenced. Back when Ichigo fought that menos grande back at the start of the series, Rukia says "only the royal guard are capable of dealing with a menos" (more or less). This was obviously retconned but the idea of a royal guard/royalty was first mentioned then. He was also referenced during the vizard flashback when Shinji and Shunsui were discussing who Urahara was replacing and Shunsui said "they've been promoted to squad 0. The royal guard". Just to remind you. With the info on the process of Ichigo losing his powers, the "you still have powers until collapse randomly" thing was to setup the coming filler arc where a main plot-point is that Ichigo is not at full strength. Originally it cut to a scene in episode 342, you'll probably recognise it. Also I mentioned in a previous VOD that you shouldn't watch the opening because it had spoilers. The spoiler was Gin's death; specifically the shot of Rangiku's tear falling on his face. You should watch the next arc's opening because it's one of those openings that changes as the arc progresses so it would be nice to see you notice the changes :). Plus it fits well for the last arc of the series. Love the content man!

Victor Ciolacu

I think that someone said it before, but in the begining Kisuke was suposed to be the main villain. As funny as it is...imo Aizen is not the most evil character ( excluding TYBW). If you want to take e break before TYBW ,you.can look into " the zampakuto rebellion" filler arc.😉