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NNNGGHHH my fkn heart man shit this anime hits right now.


Naruto Eps. 117-119

Watch "Naruto Eps. 117-119" on Streamable.


Sue Melo

I do realized that people who shit talk naruto are kind of people who doesn't have the same sentiment wavelength (if that makes sense) as what kishimoto wants to convey. So they don't care much about the characters development and the kind of bonds each characters had with each other. The emotions and struggles are actually what human faced in real life. For some people that kind of thing is not their thing and it's okay but yeah, no need to argue on what should other people like or hate. If you like it you like it. If you hate it no need for the shit talk cuz some people adore it.


As much as I hate Kabuto. I have to say he is really dependable. At this point he is basically running everythijng by himself. Orochimaru would probably be donezo if Kabuto wasnt around to care of him.