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Welp, here we gooooo!

Had a few who stood out, and I'd love to hear yours below, y'all!

Any info and opinions and stuff as always appreciated!

See you for I-Land 2 next month!


I-LAND 2 All Individual Tears + Performances + Producer Teaser

Watch "I-LAND 2 All Individual Tears + Performances + Producer Teaser" on Streamable.


Kevin F.

I can't believe we're finally here. I-Land 1 ended in 2020 btw and in the finale of that they teased a girl's version (or at least announced that auditions for girls would open "soon") ... it's been a while haha.


Ok I mentally prepared myself to dive into a survival show, fall in love with the contestants and ult the group that forms from it… I went full nerd with this and had a notebook out and wrote all their names down and I gave them initial first impression scores.. I have six at the top right now with five others a tad below them. My favorites were Jeemin, Fuko, Mai, Yui, and Yuna. Chaeeun and Minsol are not far behind. I’m sure the list will change many times but I feel Mai, Jeemin and Fuko will always be in my top…they already hooked me so to speak.