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another big group pic! I posted furry buck the other day so I could unveil his human form here, which I am rather proud of. for such a masculine jock, he has fun with having designs shaved into his hair, there's just a couple of simple lines on the other side.

this is the result of a bunch of boys getting together, having an intense craving for cookies.. and setting out to make them themselves. unfortunately (or fortunately), it seems to be going awry. why the nudity? I do not know for sure, but when do these guys ever need an excuse to take their clothes off.

chip's doing his best to explain a recipe, carper is trying desperately to understand while mixing, and buck is of course, a backseat baker even though he probably doesn't know any more than they do. duke thought it would be funny to just squirt a little out of the icing bag, surprised by how hard it spurts... while stone tries to do damage control. it is his family's kitchen, after all.

and yes, tre is very quick on the draw with that pie. he knows very well if he doesn't attack first, kody will get the drop on him.

it felt like it'd been a bit since I'd done one of these, but I had done that pool pic back around new years... which I guess by now had been a couple months. weird how time distorts. but I had a lot of fun with this as usual, the boys are very cute here I think and I again managed to squeeze them all ideally into a small space with lots of little interactions occurring between them. hope you guys like!



Evan Downing

I love this pic so much! ❤️