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again. another labor of love pic featuring a bunch of naked guys. in the university shower, a fight erupts. why? well I think this piece sort of tells the story itself. those of you especially that know my characters at this point can connect the dots that carper is a teensy bit of a troublemaker. it's not because he's a bad person, or he likes to incite drama, it's more that he doesn't understand when to shutup. if you're used to being around him and dealing with him like tre or stone, or sledge, you sorta roll with those punches. unfortunately garrett did not take kindly to the brand of 'your mom' joke carper whipped out on him this day.

despite playing on the same team, garrett is not accustomed to dealing with carper and his quirks as much as some of the other boys. they don't spend a ton of time together off the field. thankfully, garrett isn't the type to really hurt anybody and the fight was probably defused pretty quickly. I doubt he had any intent of actually punching carper anyway. though, since coach had to step in and make absolutely sure sparks didn't fly, they're probably going to have to do some laps....

I like to think he wasn't even in the showers, but hurried in when he heard yelling. poor duke though, just caught in the middle trying to scrub up

this took... quite some time. some of you were present during the stream where I was inking and coloring the boys, thank you for keeping me company. there were times where I thought I might not finish it because I wasn't sure how I felt about it until I started coloring it. but I'm so glad I worked through it. I feel as though this really accurately represents all of the guys present. I think the last pic of coach I did, I was not feeling my best that day and he just came out looking way too large. he's a beefy guy but he's reasonably sized really, and this is 100% accurate. duke especially looks how he should, sort of average-ish body type but you can tell he plays some kind of sport.

anyway, I love this pic. and I hope you guys do too. love you all!

from left to right: sledge, tre, carper, duke, coach, garrett and stone



Ryan McBear

Love my favorite boys Sledge and Tre right next to each other ❤️


I think it looks fantastic! Absolutely love the setting 😊


HOLY SHHH. This piece is fantastic!!!!