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"What?! You said Liton and the others were wiped out?!"

Dragon King Island

A very rustic name!

But no one dares to laugh at it, or even say that this is a place that many pirates yearn for!

Because this is the base camp of one of the overlords of the sea, the Flying Dragon Pirates!

There are no ordinary residents on Dragon King Island, there are just large and exquisite buildings, but the residents living in these buildings are so vicious and cruel!

The originally white walls, after living there for a period of time, have long been stained with an unknown amount of dried blood. The originally clean and tidy streets can occasionally be seen with one or two corpses that have long since rotted or are fresh! Guns and knives are very common here, and there is also a place on the island specifically for these vicious pirates to vent their anger. The slaves there are all, without exception, people from good families who have been forcibly abducted!

This is a paradise for pirates, but it is also a hell for ordinary people!

And the largest building on the entire Dragon King Island!

That is an extremely luxurious palace!

The one who lives in the palace is none other than the captain of the Dragon Pirates, the great pirate Dragon Hans! This is not only his residence, but also the place where he discusses matters with his cadres!

During this period, they fought frantically with the Money Pirates, resulting in a lot of casualties, but they still had the upper hand. They originally thought they could swallow up most of the Money Pirates' territory, and it was indeed what they imagined. It was beautiful, but reality gave him a cruel big butt!

"Reporting to the captain, yes, it is indeed the case! We have confirmed the death of Vice-Captain Litton! Not only him, but all the pirates who followed the Vice-Captain are also dead!"

The cadre in charge of intelligence lowered his head and felt uneasy!


He is not worried about the turmoil within the pirate group if the vice-captain dies. In other words, he doesn't have to think about such things now!

He is just praying now, praying that the cruel captain will not chop himself in anger!

"How is this possible! That guy Liton is still very strong! Liton has followed Laozi for so long, and Laozi knows his strength very well!" Hans was furious. The deaths of ordinary members were just trivial matters, but he couldn't bear it. The death of the first officer! That is a high-end combat power, and he is the strongest person in the pirate group besides himself!

"Who did it? Is it that idiot King of Gold?"

Hans suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a ferocious expression.

"What happened this time was not caused by the Money Pirates. According to reliable information, their vice-captain is also dead! All members of our pirate groups were killed and injured, and it was the Rocks Pirate who caused all this!"

That cadre's head was almost buried in his crotch. How could he be described as panicked now? I was so panicked!

But fortunately, their captain is still immersed in thinking about how to deal with Rocks Pirate in the future after losing a right-hand man!

"Phew! Go and call all the captains!"

Flying Dragon Hans took a long breath. As if he was about to receive amnesty, the cadre rushed out with lightning speed like a clanging bell! Looking at that look, I wish I could have two more legs!

"Damn it! It seems that these leisurely days are coming to an end..."

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Flying Dragon Hans. He slowly stood up from the throne. At this time, his body hidden in the darkness was finally revealed!

This man was 6 meters tall, and his muscles were as hard as steel. There was a long scar on his face, from the left forehead to the right corner of his mouth. The bridge of his nose was even cut off, and his whole body exuded There was an inexplicable bloody aura!

Rocks Pirate? very scary! But, he is the overlord of the sea! He is Hans the Flying Dragon!

"Want to eat Laozi? Haha, then you have to be careful not to chip your teeth..."


El Sea Area

city ​​of gold

It is also a very rustic name, and it is also the territory of a maritime overlord!

King of Gold Adren! Everyone knows his name, everyone knows it! Not to mention how powerful he is, among the three overlords, his strength can be said to be the weakest! But this does not affect his terror!

This man has 10% of the world's wealth in his hands! And of this 10% of wealth, 9% is gold! How much gold does he own? 24% of the world’s total gold! He is a user with the Paramecia Golden Fruit ability. To others, money is an item for consumption, but to him, it is a cherished thing that gives him greater strength!

The City of Gold can be said to be the most luxurious city in the world! The entire city is made of gold. Not only is it magnificent, it can also greatly increase the strength of the King of Gold!

At this time, he was sitting on the golden throne, and he had already learned the news of Bush's murder from his men! He already knew everything that happened, but to Edlen, he didn't care!

"Oh! What a pity! That guy Bush's head is worth 700 million beli!"

That's right, the King of Gold doesn't care about his men. At this time, he is actually thinking about how valuable the heads of his men are! He is lamenting the loss of 700 million Baileys!

"Huh! If it's gone, it's gone! In this world, as long as you have money, you can buy everything! At worst, Laozi will spend more money to recruit a more powerful deputy!"

King of Gold Adren, this is an extremely greedy and cruel guy! Different from the strong body of ordinary strong men, Adren's body can be said to be extremely fat! With a height of over 6 meters, Hans gives the impression of being extremely strong, but he gives the impression of being a huge mountain of flesh!

"Well, go call the media and tell them that our Money Pirates are willing to pay 1 billion beli to recruit some powerful pirates! Remember, the bounty must be more than 500 million!"

The Golden King gave instructions to his men, and then came to the forbidden area of ​​​​the entire pirate group, which was his room!

This obese guy slowly stuffed his body into the gold bathtub. Unlike the outside world, the decorative items in his room were a bit plain!


Adren, who was lying in the bathtub, raised his head and looked at the wall in front of him...

There is an old photo hanging on the wall of the room. There are two people in the photo, a boy and a girl. They are both smiling happily and their bodies are very close. Obviously, they are a couple in love!

If you observe carefully, you will find that the face of that handsome young man is somewhat similar to the face of Edlen now! In other words, it can't be similar, because that handsome young man is him!


A bottle of top-quality red wine with a market price of 1 million Baileys was smashed to pieces by him! There was a trace of ferocity on that fat face!

"Alusha...this damn golden fruit! Haha, as expected, the price of getting money is to take away the most important thing around you..."

Adren recalled the ordinary days when he was just a hawker. Later, he accidentally ate the golden fruit and gained the ability to control gold!

And that girl named Alusa is his fiancée!

They are just ordinary people and live a somewhat poor life, but this does not affect the wonderful relationship between the two! Working at sunrise and resting at sunset, life is plain and beautiful, like the simplest but also the most beautiful picture...

But when Alusa died, everything was gone...

This is the curse of the golden fruit!

Edron sighed. He once thought it was just an accident, but when he reached this point and learned the shocking rumor, he fell silent...

People with the ability of the Golden Fruit in the past will always have the most important thing taken away from them...

It is said that this is a devil's deal! Some people also say that this is money that buys your heart...

"Alusha, don't worry. If you tell me to live well, then no one in this world can take away my life! Not Rocks, not World Government!"


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