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"One palm... I actually defeated the guy with a bounty of 300 million with just one palm!"

"What a monster!"

"With such strength, why are there only 500 million Baileys!"

"Captain Lurian!"

The moment Wagner raised his big hand, everyone's pupils shrank sharply! A huge palm mark appeared on the originally hard and heavy ground! Fully half a meter deep! How terrifying is this power?

And in the center of this palm mark, the huge Loli Lu'an had long lost consciousness!

Not only that, Wagner's huge power even directly shattered all the bones in her body. In this cruel world of pirates, compassion does not exist! Not everyone has his own way of chivalry, but everyone has his own way of survival!

"Asshole! This is terrible!"

Tyrannosaurus Litton, the vice-captain of the Dragon Pirates, was dumbfounded! He knew that Lur'Ann was no match for Wagner, but he never expected that the other party would lose so quickly!

"Gu la la la! He is indeed Laozi's son!" Whitebeard laughed loudly, and then turned his eyes to Liton in front of him. In an instant, the smile disappeared! "Who are you calling a bastard?"


Whitebeard punched out, and the power of Shock Fruit bombarded Tyrannosaurus Litton again! That destructive attack made Liton spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Ahem! Whitebeard, you are looking for death!"


Liton was furious. Did he, the deputy captain of the Flying Dragon Pirates, have no face?

"Hmph! Heavy shock!"

Facing the menacing Litton, Whitebeard snorted coldly. He raised the Cong Yunqi in his hand, and the power of Shock Fruit instantly covered it! And this time, inside the pale white light wave, there is a smaller, but real light wave!

Click! Click!

Double shock!

This knife struck Liton's neck hard!

Feeling the crisis, Li paused and was suddenly soaked in cold sweat! But to become the vice-captain of a dominant pirate group, he is not a vegetarian!

Whitebeard's attacks are fast, but he's not slow either! The time was a bit hasty, but when the knife was about to slash at his neck, Liton's rich combat experience caused Liton's body to tilt sharply to the left!

"Haha, it's really not that simple!"

Whitebeard felt a little disappointed. Cong Yunqi was a huge naginata. Compared with ordinary swords, its flexibility was naturally weaker! Now, it's too late to aim at Liton's neck again!

"Laozi cut off your claw first!"

A fierce light flashed in Whitebeard's pupils, and he slashed through the clouds with his sword. The blade was slightly downward, and in the next second, a short claw flew into the sky!

This knife cut off Liton's left claw cleanly!


Even a tough guy can't bear the pain of a broken arm! Cold sweat broke out on Liton's forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye! Under Whitebeard's attack, the tough skin he was usually proud of seemed like paper!


Without killing him with one blow, Whitebeard quickly retracted the knife! He held knives in both hands, and a heart-stopping aura appeared!


The scarlet gas seemed to be alive, and it quickly wrapped around Cong Yunqie's blade. It seemed to be some kind of illusion, and Cong Yunqie's blade seemed to become sharper!

"Conqueror's Haki!"

Liton panicked!

The Whitebeard in front of him is using the advanced application of Conqueror's Haki, Conqueror's Winding!

For ordinary people, Armament Haki's entanglement is enough, but for top experts, high-end battles often require the use of high-end fighting methods! Compared with Armament Haki, Conqueror's Haki's winding is stronger and more destructive!

He couldn't defend against Whitebeard's Armament Haki, let alone the Conqueror's Haki that only their captain had mastered!


Whitebeard stepped out with one foot, and that big foot, which was 150 yards long, crushed the ground in an instant! The muscles on his arms swelled suddenly, he held the knife in both hands, rounded his arms, and struck Liton in front of him with one knife!

"Asshole, who do you think I am? Laozi is the vice-captain of the Dragon Pirates, Lord Tyrannosaurus Liton! Armed! Brutal Dragon Fang!"

Well, I don’t know what this guy named Liton was thinking. Facing Whitebeard’s slashing attack that used all his strength to entangle Conqueror’s Haki, this guy actually opened his big mouth and covered his teeth with armor. Haki was like a wild beast. Usually comes with a bite!

Haki can't compete with him, he can't compete with his strength, and at the same time, his head is an absolute weakness...

The scene at this time may only be described by a beautiful Xinjiang song...

"Lift your skull..."

The huge dragon skull suddenly flew into the sky, and then hit the ground hard!

The air was silent for a moment, and then countless people took a breath of cold air again, accelerating the trend of global warming!

"A man with a bounty of 700 million is so vulnerable in front of Whitebeard?"

"It's just like killing a chicken!"


"Haha! Captain Whitebeard is invincible!"

"Brothers, come on! Kill all these guys. After the mission is over, we can have a big banquet!"

"Come on!"

The morale of the members of Rocks Pirate has been raised to a peak! They rushed forward with all their teeth and claws, and neatly killed those pirates whose morale was low!

"Glala lala! Golden Lion, Laozi is much faster than you! You lose this time! Don't forget to give Laozi three bottles of your treasured wine!"

Compared to the other two captains, the relationship between Golden Lion and Whitebeard is pretty good! Both of them are top-notch warriors, and no one wants to give in to the other. They made a bet on this mission. Although the bet is not a rare thing, what the two of them compete for is the pleasure of overpowering the other!

"I know, I know! Damn it! Did you hear that, you so-called one-sword swordsman! Because of you, Laozi lost three bottles of treasured wine! No, the more I think about it, the angrier I get! You'd better die!"

Golden Lion transferred all the depression and anger in his heart to Bush, the vice-captain of the Money Pirates in front of him! He also put away the idea of ​​getting something from another great swordsman. Covered in the same Conqueror's Haki, the scarlet light made the two famous swords in his hands seem to be quenched in blood!

"Damn, what does it have to do with Laozi! Wait!"

Bush's expression changed drastically! Although he is a famous swordsman for a long time, due to his talent, he has not improved for many years! Facing an absolute swordsman genius, Golden Lion, he could barely defend himself against the opponent's attacks!

About three minutes later, the long-famous swordsman died under the sword of the Golden Lion! There is also a gap between swordsmen and swordsmen! What's more, Golden Lion is a two-sword style. It doesn't mean that the two-sword style is definitely better than the one-sword style. It just has one more weapon, and his attack and defense are more flexible!

For Golden Lion, the two-sword style is the most suitable for him, but similarly, it’s not like he doesn’t know the one-sword style...

One sword to contain, one sword to kill!

"What a bastard! Laozi's wine!" Golden Lion spat on Bush. He looked at the remaining soldiers in front of him with a cruel smile on his face!

"Kill! Leave no one behind!"


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